Might guy techniques

How Strong is Might Guy?

Weight: Age: Around this time he met Kakashi, his eternal rival. But his father, Sakumo, seeing the training and hard work Guy was putting in, thought he would be picked by the academy as one of the alternatives. Guy then took a variety of different missions in hopes of advancing further as a ninja.

Might guy techniques

Might Guy is a Konohagakure jonin and the leader of Team 9 in Naruto. After forming a strong bond with his student, Rock Lee, Guy focused primarily on mastering taijutsu in order to follow his new nindo: proving to Lee that anyone could be a splendid shinobi, even without ninjutsu or genjutsu. Despite his refusal to use chakra-based attacks, Might Guy is more than capable of using these techniques. Due to his incredible determination and resilience, he became one of Konohagakure's single-best taijutsu users before Madara Uchiha proclaimed him strongest shinobi in the world. A key ninjutsu ability shared among most shinobi is the summoning technique; after signing a contract seal in blood, the user gains access to unique summoned animals to enhance their techniques. Among these summoned creatures are toads, slugs, dogs, and birds. Might Guy's personal summon was Ningame the ninja-tortoise. Ningame aided Guy in monitoring Team 9 and scolded Rock Lee when the latter attempted to perform a forbidden jutsu. The Ferocious Fist style is a method of fighting which utilizes brute force to brutalize opponents. Its primary purpose is to cause heavy damage and break bones; as this fighting style requires no chakra, only physically powerful shinobi are capable of replicating it to produce substantial damage. Might Guy developed the Ferocious Fist technique to hone his strength and supplement Rock Lee's lack of chakra. Unlike Neji Hyuga's Gentle Fist, which dealt direct damage to an opponent's internal organs, the Ferocious Fist focused on inducing blunt trauma with powerful kicks and blows.

Part I: 76 kg He even learned all of Hyuga's secret techniques and my way of chakra enhancements at a glance.

Follow the journey of a different Neji Hyuga, with a different soul, trying to break free of his miserable, chained fate, instead of succumbing to it like in that different, original universe. What changes would that bring to the Hyuga clan, Konoha, and even the whole Ninja World, in the end? See a different version of the same story, but with a properly explored and fleshed-out Hyuga clan and Hamura Otsutsuki's side of the equation. Multiple female leads, one of them an OC, but logical for the story. So, a bit AU. I will decide what to include and what not at my own discretion and preferences. So, don't complain.

He is a master of martial arts, sworn rival of Kakashi Hatake , and mentor to one of the show's secondary protagonists, Rock Lee. However, Guy still loved his father and would pick fights with anyone who dared mock him. Eventually, Guy was able to enter the academy and became classmates with his future rival, Kakashi Hatake. After graduating into an official shinobi and becoming a member of a ninja team, Guy was taught the Eight Gates by his father. During a mission in the war, Guy and his team were attacked by the Seven Swordsmen of Kirigakure. However, Duy came to their rescue and sacrificed his life by unlocking all eight gates to fight off the swordsmen, killing four to six of them depending on the canon. Afterward, Guy would develop his rivalry with Kakashi by challenging him in numerous competitions. However, they would also develop a mutual friendship and would work together in various missions, especially when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked Konoha. Guy eventually heard about Rock Lee, a young student who was unable to use ninjutsu or genjutsu.

Might guy techniques

Quite like his father, Might Guy was born with next to no talent for performing any kind of ninjutsu or genjutsu, a rarity in the world of Naruto. Even so, Guy wanted to become a shinobi, and he did not let anything get in the way of his dreams by turning to the only style of fighting he could use - taijutsu. He gave his all into training hard and perfecting his taijutsu skills, and he did not give up even when things got tough. In several fights during the show, Guy showed up and saved the day with his impressive and refined taijutsu techniques. Might Guy failed the entrance test to the ninja academy because of his inability to perform ninjutsu. His father motivated him to keep trying, which he did, and was soon allowed to enter the academy and become a shinobi. Guy had to face a lot of hurdles, but he kept going and training hard. By the end, he became one of the physically strongest shinobi in the Leaf Village, even surpassing Kakashi, who was one of the most skilled ninja of the shinobi world. He proved to the world that a person who used only taijutsu could become as good of a shinobi as any.

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Also gives them access to…. While Konoha prepares for the approaching Fourth Shinobi World War , Guy is part of a team assigned to guard Naruto as he is sent into seclusion, a fact Naruto is not to be informed of. Guy decisively won, albeit it was even easier from Metal not focusing properly from so many people watching. While it engages the user's opponent in a series of high and low kicks, the inclusion of the Eight Inner Gates makes it completely unavoidable. Wiki Activity. He can summon tortoises, such as Ningame. Appears in. Personality Guy believes that "hard work without believing in yourself is worthless", and as such trains by repeatedly jumping sideways and hitting mitts in an effort to better himself. Training the body improves the flow of chakra through the chakra pathway system which makes it stronger, tougher, and faster along with the benefits of physical fitness. Kakashi is too tired to walk due to his use of Kamui, necessitating that Guy carry him. Guy's appearance for most of the series. But, just as he wanted to say something, Guy overtook him with a smirk on his face, "Alright, then it's time for a little practical exercise and real introduction!

Might Guy is one of the most powerful taijutsu experts from Konoha. Despite his goofy nature, Guy can turn serious when faced with very strong foes in battle. In this article, we would like to review a list of Might Guy's strongest taijutsu techniques.

Might Guy is a Konohagakure jonin and the leader of Team 9 in Naruto. You May Also Like. Guy demands that his inner-self reveal itself, but what emerges from the falls appears to be an insect. Duy was not bothered by this moniker and instead was grateful that other people cared enough to know him at all. He instructs Kurenai to take Kakashi to a medic and Asuma to assist him in keeping Itachi and Kisame busy until the Anbu reinforcements he's requested arrive. Guy intervenes, forcing Gaara to relent. Because Guy had little talent in ninjutsu and genjutsu as a child, he dedicated himself to perfecting his taijutsu. Sign In Register. They later discover that the Taki-nin are just having a training exercise. This was done to overcome the Sharingan.

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