Metar vigo
Vigo Airport is a midsized airport in Pontevedra, metar vigo, Galicia, Spain. The airport is located at latitude The airport is in the Madrid FIR. This aviation weather observation was made for Vigo Airport on February 26,local time.
Vigo Airport is a midsized airport in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain. The airport is located at latitude The airport is in the Madrid FIR. This aviation weather observation was made for Vigo Airport on February 26, , local time. Valid from February 26, to February 27, , local time. Today the sun rises at and sets at This applies to Vigo Airport, the universal daylight period may be different.
Metar vigo
This applies to Vigo Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. Daylight period Today the sun rises at and sets at metar vigo The latest donations are from: Many thanks for your donation, Mario Schijveschuurder.
Vigo Airport is a midsized airport in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain. The airport is located at latitude The airport is in the Madrid FIR. This aviation weather observation was made for Vigo Airport on March 4, , local time. Valid from March 4, to March 5, , local time.
Metar vigo
Vigo Airport is a midsized airport in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain. The airport is located at latitude The airport is in the Madrid FIR. This aviation weather observation was made for Vigo Airport on March 4, , local time. There are few clouds at an altitude of 3, ft, scattered clouds at an altitude of 3, ft and broken clouds at an altitude of 4, ft. The ceiling, broken or more, is 4, ft. The air pressure at sea level is hPa QNH. Today the sun rises at and sets at This applies to Vigo Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. Currently, there is no daylight saving time in effect.
Misses cecil
The airport is located at latitude Today the sun rises at and sets at Only subscribers are allowed to use Metar-Taf in an iframe or visit the site with an adblocker. The airport is located at latitude The ceiling, broken or more, is 3, ft. Time monday. Valid from February 26, to February 27, , local time. Show past. Thanks for your support, Adam C. Subscribe and remove ads Will you help us to keep Metar-Taf. The airport is in the Madrid FIR. More historical data. BKN 3, Ads will be disabled and you get access to all historical weather data.
Experiences Go to Vliegles. Go to Vliegles. More historical data. You can also use the search function to find specific flying lessons, skydives or other flying experiences near your place. Share this link with your friends: Copy. Aerocelta Flying club. Broken clouds. Vigo Airport is a midsized airport in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain. There are scattered clouds at an altitude of 3, ft, broken clouds at an altitude of 3, ft and broken clouds at an altitude of 4, ft. QNH hPa
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