Melusine fgo

She is the lone dragon faerie in Britain. Though she plays the part of a merciless warrior, her bearing, grace, melusine fgo, and unique appearance lead many to call her the proudest and most beautiful fae within the Melusine fgo Kingdom. The only kind [1] of "dragon" faerie in Britain.

Increase own Arts Card effectiveness 3 turns. Increase own Critical Strength 3 turns. Apply Damage Cut to all allies except self 3 turns. Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate 3 turns. Apply to self: Gain Critical Stars each turn 3 turns.

Melusine fgo

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. TheCroix 9 months ago 1. Not a JP player, but from what I understand: Okay without much investment, basically going to fill a counter class role like other Lancers. Top tier with heavy investment. If you're not willing to go all in and it sounds like you're not , I wouldn't be looking at her. FlareKnights 9 months ago 3. I think if you don't like the design and have other buster options it's not a huge deal to avoid rolling. Such a tough gacha period right now that I think rolling for absolute need or love is most important.

It allows her to fully demonstrate the combat skills she has acquired, no matter the mental state.

Increase own ATK 3 turns. Apply Damage Cut by to self 3 turns. Increase own Max HP 3 turns. Increase own NP Gauge. Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate 3 turns. Gain Critical Stars each turn 3 turns. Gain Critical Stars.

Increase own ATK 3 turns. Apply Damage Cut by to self 3 turns. Increase own Max HP 3 turns. Increase own NP Gauge. Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate 3 turns. Gain Critical Stars each turn 3 turns.

Melusine fgo

The sole " dragon " species fairy in Britain. She acts in the manner of a merciless knight, but because of that conduct, her elegance and her appearance that distinguishes her from other fairies, she is said to be the proudest and most beautiful of them all. She is the left hand of the Dragon of Albion which fell off the dragon's rotting corpse. Her current humanoid form came about from trying to emulate Aurora when the Fairy Lord picked her up. Melusine claims she is the older sister of Percival. Percival says that they were raised and trained together.

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But I'll allow it now. Melusine is one of the premiere Buster loopers in the game. Robust Dragon Heart. Regardless of the opponent, after their aerial battle, she feels a sense of camaraderie towards them as fellow 'conquerors of the skies'. Melusine is a creature formed from the Dragon of Albion 's left hand. I see. The old me would have driven him out. I'm happy to hear compliments about my fighting Now sink Dmg Up. Past Banners.

Fae Knight Lancelot, Melusine, is a highly unique Servant. Her third skill also lets her switch from ascension 1 or 2 to ascension 3 but not the reverse giving her a degree of flexibility unusual in a Servant.

Don't tell me I'm the only one among the dragons that can't swim!? Assassin Piece. Now that I look this way, there's no going back. By which I mean, obey me. Just between the two of us, the darker Knight of the Lake is more my type. Things I dislike With a Double Koyanskaya and Oberon setup, she will have no problem regardless of node composition of getting off three Noble Phantasms of increasing strength. Doctor Heartless. Seems like we don't have a connection yet. Percival says that they were raised and trained together. Does require the right supports. She then asks Aurora where Coral is. She classifies humans as evil creatures and mercilessly drives them away, which leads people to think of her as a ruthless faerie.

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