maycee barber nude

Maycee barber nude

Maycee Barber born May 18, is an American mixed martial artist. Barber was born in Greeley, Colorado. She began pursuing mixed martial arts MMA at an early age and set her eyes on becoming a professional fighter, maycee barber nude.

Maycee Barber is on a roll at pounds. UFC pic. In Round 1, Barber came out throwing heavy punches, forcing Cerminara to clinch. Cerminara landed a brief takedown, but Barber immediately popped back up. Cerminara shot for a takedown, but Barber made her pay by sprawling and landing some big punches. They clinched against the cage again, as Cerminara worked for a takedown.

Maycee barber nude

TD Avg. TD Acc. TD Def. Gillian Robertson. Polyana Viana. UFC Strickland vs. Du Plessis. Tabatha Ricci. Piera Rodriguez. Mariya Agapova.

Cerminara landed a nice kick up the middle, followed by a counter right. Barber has a younger brother, Wyatt, maycee barber nude, who also is a mixed martial artist signed to Bellator.


In Round 1, Barber came out throwing heavy punches, forcing Cerminara to clinch. Cerminara landed a brief takedown, but Barber immediately popped back up. Cerminara shot for a takedown, but Barber made her pay by sprawling and landing some big punches. They clinched against the cage again, as Cerminara worked for a takedown. Barber landed a big left hook on the break, but they went back to the clinch to end the round. Barber pressed forward to kick off Round 2.

Maycee barber nude

It was a performance in which she achieved her goal of "bullying" the former title challenger, and now she wants to revisit a matchup against the current champion. Grasso MMA, UFC was recently announced as a coach opposite Valentina Shevchenko in the upcoming season of "The Ultimate Fighter," which likely means a trilogy bout between the pair is on the horizon. Barber is willing to take on a backup role for that fight if it means getting her hands on Grasso again. There's a lot of other girls in the division that have some skill, but they're boring fighters. I'm not a boring fighter, and I know that would be the main event and that would be a title fight for sure, and it would be a great one. The rematch with Alexa Grasso would be huge. I don't know if I necessarily would wait.

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Katlyn Cerminara via unanimous decision , , Mateusz Gamrot def. Du Plessis. Katlyn Cerminara. Aldrich in second". Gillian Robertson Cortney Casey. Maycee Barber born May 18, is an American mixed martial artist. Casey O'Neill February 18, MMA Fighting. Greeley, Colorado , United States. Veronica Hardy.

The latest updates to the UFC rankings across all divisions are here. Take a look at which fighters moved up and down in the most recent edition and the spots on the line at UFC Fight Night: Tuivasa vs Tybura.

Erin Blanchfield 3. Cerminara shot for a takedown, but Barber made her pay by sprawling and landing some big punches. Maycee Barber. Gillian Robertson Taila Santos. The Future [2]. Both fighters continued reversing positions in the clinch, until Barber closed out the round with another takedown. Katlyn Cerminara via unanimous decision , , Mateusz Gamrot def. They closed out the fight with some dirty boxing as Barber outworked Cerminara for the decision win. Rafael dos Anjos via unanimous decision , , Philipe Lins def. She won the fight via TKO in round two. Retrieved 21 October More UFC. Share this article share. CJ Vergara via unanimous decision , , Joanne Wood def. Retrieved 18 February

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