mathlinks 8 answer key

Mathlinks 8 answer key

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Mathlinks 8 answer key

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Mathlinks 8 answer key

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown. The first caravan reached an oasis, and the camels drank half of the water in the pool. On the second day, the second caravan reached the oasis, and the camels drank one-third of the water that was left. On the third day, the camels in the third caravan drank one-quarter of the water that was left. On the first day, the pool contained m 3 of water. How much was left after the 20 th caravan passed through? Rachel held out a soccer ball and a ping pong ball from the window of a tall building such that their centres were at the same level. She dropped both balls at the same time and each fell straight down. Which ball will travel the farthest distance before hitting the ground?

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