mastering physics answers chapter 3

Mastering physics answers chapter 3

Velocity and Acceleration of a Power Ball Learning Goal: To understand the distinction between velocity and acceleration with the use of motion diagrams. In common usage, velocity and acceleration both can imply having considerable speed. In physics, they are sharply defined concepts that are not at all synonymous.

Chapter 3 Homework Due: pm on Friday, February 14, You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy. Exercise 3. Part A Calculate the velocity vector of the bird as a function of time. Give your answer as a pair of components separated by a comma. For example, if you think the x component is 3t and the y component is 4t, then you should enter 3t,4t. Express your answer using two significant figures for all coefficients.

Mastering physics answers chapter 3


Obviouslythedifferencebetween inthesamedirection, willbeparallelto and isanothervectorthatcanlieinanydirection. A B C D Correct. Aparticleofmass ismovinginthepositivexdirectionatspeed.


Chapter 2 Homework Due: pm on Friday, February 7, You will receive no credit for items you complete after the assignment is due. Grading Policy. Exercise 2. On a Friday afternoon, however, heavy traffic slows you down and you drive the same distance at an average speed of only After 5 minutes it starts to rain and she returns home. Her distance from her house as a function of time is shown in the figure.

Mastering physics answers chapter 3

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Part B Findthepower suppliedbythedragforceaftertheskydiverhasreachedterminalvelocity. Part A What is the acceleration due to gravity on Planet X? Donotsimplyeyeballthepositionoryouwilllikelynotbeabletoobtainthesolutiontothedesired accuracy. Running and Walking TimandRickbothcanrunatspeed andwalkatspeed distance half. Solve Nowusetheinformationandtheinsightsthatyouhaveaccumulatedtoconstructthenecessarymathematical expressionsandtoderivethesolution. Afterthecollision,thetwocarssticktogether andtraveloffinthedirectionshown. Yourfreebodydiagramshouldlooklikethe oneshownhere. The contactpointsareshowninthediagram,wherethexaxisrepresentsthegroundandthepositivezdirectionis upward. Harvaran Ghai Part A Whatisthegravitationalforce onthesatellite? Takethepositive axisalongthedirectionofmotion. Thecoefficientsofstaticandkineticfriction betweenthedrawbridgeandthedancer'sfootare. Usingtheconceptofmomentum,Newton'ssecondlawcanberewrittenas , 1 where isthenetforce actingontheobject,and istherateatwhichtheobject'smomentumischanging.


Notethattheangularfrequency and,therefore,theperiodofoscillations dependonlyontheintrinsicphysical characteristicsofthesystem and amplitudeofthemotion. In this problem, we make use of these concepts to study the motion of a power ball. Correct Hint 2. DH Correct. Thisassuresthatitiszeroatthe Part C Findanumericalvaluefor ,theaveragedensityoftheearthinkilogramspercubicmeter. The figure shows the trajectory i. The properwordsdescribingtheforceinteractionbetweenobjectsAandBmaybeanyofthefollowing:. Part B Atsomepointduringherfreefall,theskydiverreachesherterminalspeed. Atfirstobservation pointA ,thepositionoftheairplanerelativetotheoriginis positionvector hasamagnitudeof trackedforanother andislocatedatexactly Eachpairwiseinteractionproducesapairofoppositeforces,oneactingon eachbody. Harvaran Ghai Part A Howfastistheriverflowing? Newton's1stor2ndlaw Newton's3rdlaw Correct Sincethebookisatrest,thenetforceonitmustbezero 1stor2ndlaw.

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