Marvel ruins comic

Ruins marvel ruins comic a two-issue comic book miniserieswritten by Warren Ellis with painted artwork by Terese Nielsenher husband Cliff Nielsenand Chris Moellerwho took over for the last 17 pages of the second issue. The series, conceived by Ellis as a parody [1] of the Marvels series by Kurt Busiek and Alex Rossis set in a dystopian version of the Marvel Universe. Like Marvelsmarvel ruins comic, the comic features reporter Phil Sheldon as the main character and was published in prestige formatwith fully painted artwork and acetate covers, further creating the impression that it is a more twisted companion piece.

Ruins follows former Daily Bugle reporter Phil Sheldon as he explores a dystopian alternate Marvel Universe where, in his words, "everything that can go wrong will go wrong"; a world where the myriad experiments and accidents which led to the creation of superheroes in the mainstream Marvel Universe instead resulted in horrible deformities and painful deaths. The narrative follows Sheldon as he tours the country investigating the after-effects of these events, researching a book about the strange phenomena in order to prove that the world has taken a wrong turn somewhere and hoping to complete it before he dies. As he journeys across America, the nature of the world is gradually revealed in the form of both interviews and cameo appearances from various figures from the Marvel Universe. In the first issue, after witnessing the destruction of the last Avengers Quinjet in this reality a radical secessionist rebel group rebelling against an oppressive American government led by 'President X', who have all either been killed or imprisoned , which has killed both Captain America and Iron Man, and encountering a decaying Wolverine, whose flesh is slowly falling off from the toxicity of his adamantium bone structure, Sheldon proceeds to a Kree internment camp in Nevada, which is situated on a nuclear test site, where the last survivors of a Kree invasion fleet are imprisoned and slowly dying of cancer. Clad in a radiation-proof suit, he interviews Captain Mar-Vell, one of the Kree prisoners, who tells him why their invasion failed; the Kree came upon the Silver Surfer, who had gone mad and torn open his own chest in a futile attempt to experience respiration once again, only to discover that the Power Cosmic emanating from the Surfer's body had been interfering with their scanners, preventing them from detecting a nuclear barrage which destroyed ninety percent of the warships. In Washington, D. They are interrupted by Jean Grey, here a prostitute, who offers herself to the two men for twenty dollars; but Fury shoots her dead and then kills himself.

Marvel ruins comic


The Scarlet Witch a former member of the Avengers is the one who betrays the Avengers for government protection after turning in state's evidence against the team. Fantasy Sci-fi Marvel. He encounters a decaying Wolverinewhose flesh is slowly falling off due to the marvel ruins comic of his adamantium bone structure, marvel ruins comic.


Marvel Ruins is a two-issue comic miniseries, meant to mimic the Marvels run, both of which follow journalist Phil Sheldon as he documents the heroes of this world. In Marvels , there are themes of hope, as the first heroes begin to emerge as titular Marvels. Ruins , by contrast, also follows Phil Sheldon, but this time in a grim, dark world where the heroes proved to be far less than they were hoped to be. Many iconic teams are long-dead in this world, and most of the survivors are a shell of themselves. Ruins is a dark tale filled with grim fates and grimmer-yet lives. The villain Doctor Doom , then only Victor Von Doom, boards the rocket instead, and the voyage is ultimately doomed. It's believed that they may have rushed into the journey, ultimately leading to the deaths of Marvel's First Family as the rocket is bombarded by cosmic radiation and crashes to the Earth's surface. As a result, Ben Grimm suffers tremendous survivor's guilt and has to live with the deaths of all his friends. However, it's likely still a better fate than the Fantastic Four movies. In Marvel's main storyline, Bruce Banner was caught in a radioactive blast that turned him into the Hulk.

Marvel ruins comic

Ruins is a two-issue comic book miniseries , written by Warren Ellis with painted artwork by Terese Nielsen , her husband Cliff Nielsen , and Chris Moeller , who took over for the last 17 pages of the second issue. The series, conceived by Ellis as a parody [1] of the Marvels series by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross , is set in a dystopian version of the Marvel Universe. Like Marvels , the comic features reporter Phil Sheldon as the main character and was published in prestige format , with fully painted artwork and acetate covers, further creating the impression that it is a more twisted companion piece. Former Daily Bugle reporter Phil Sheldon explores a dystopian version of the Marvel Universe where in his own words "everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

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Start a Wiki. Comics Movies TV Games. In Washington, D. However, he discovers that he has run out of the medication he has been taking; he has been infected with a virus passed on to him by his former Daily Bugle co-worker Peter Parker , caused by an irradiated spider that Parker experimented on that resulted in a highly infectious rash developing over his entire body. Ruins follows former Daily Bugle reporter Phil Sheldon as he explores a dystopian alternate Marvel Universe where, in his words, "everything that can go wrong will go wrong"; a world where the myriad experiments and accidents which led to the creation of superheroes in the mainstream Marvel Universe instead resulted in horrible deformities and painful deaths. Sheldon visits a carnival where Johnny Blaze performs and commits suicide by setting his face on fire. Sheldon decides to begin writing his book, which he will title Marvels. Scott Summers was blinded in order to control his eye beams, Katherine Pryde died after attempting to phase through the bars of her cell only to become stuck, Kurt Wagner is self-cannibalizing, and Pietro Maximoff has had all four of his limbs amputated to prevent him from using his super speed powers. Fantasy Sci-fi Marvel. Sheldon interviews Ben Grimm , who describes the painful deaths of this world's counterparts of the Fantastic Four and Victor von Doom when their spaceship flew through a cloud of cosmic radiation: Grimm had refused to pilot the ship due to safety concerns, so Reed Richards hired von Doom instead.

Ruins follows former Daily Bugle reporter Phil Sheldon as he explores a dystopian alternate Marvel Universe where, in his words, "everything that can go wrong will go wrong"; a world where the myriad experiments and accidents which led to the creation of superheroes in the mainstream Marvel Universe instead resulted in horrible deformities and painful deaths. The narrative follows Sheldon as he tours the country investigating the after-effects of these events, researching a book about the strange phenomena in order to prove that the world has taken a wrong turn somewhere and hoping to complete it before he dies.

Sheldon decides to begin writing his book, which he will title Marvels. Crooked Little Vein Gun Machine. Fury murders her on the spot before shooting himself. They are interrupted by Jean Grey, here a prostitute, who offers herself to the two men for twenty dollars; but Fury shoots her dead and then kills himself. T'Challa is imprisoned due to his affiliation with the Black Panther Party. In Washington, D. Article Talk. Categories : Marvel Comics limited series comics debuts comics endings Superhero comics Comics by Warren Ellis Fiction about cannibalism Marvel Comics dimensions Dystopian comics Satirical comics. Don't have an account? After his encounter with Fury, Sheldon visits Chicago, Illinois and interviews Rick Jones , a morphine addict living with fellow addict Marlo Chandler , who tells the story of when Bruce Banner saved him from a gamma radiation blast—the blast transformed Banner into a monstrous green mass of pulsating tumors. Sheldon tours the country, investigating the aftermath of these events and researching a book about the strange phenomena in order to prove that the world has taken a wrong turn somewhere. Ruins is a two-issue comic book miniseries , written by Warren Ellis with painted artwork by Terese Nielsen , her husband Cliff Nielsen , and Chris Moeller , who took over for the last 17 pages of the second issue. Download as PDF Printable version. Fisk informs Sheldon that the only reason he was allowed to see the prison is because President X knows he is dying and wants to grant a dying man his wish. Comic book series.

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