margaret rutherford young

Margaret rutherford young

The world at your fingertips. BY James Oliver. Margaret Rutherford will always be known as the harmless battleaxe of black and white British cinema.

During her heyday, Margaret was a familiar, and a wee bit unconventional, face on stage, screen and television. Starting out as a pianist and elocution teacher, Rutherford took up acting relatively late in life, making her stage debut at age 33 in She was a big success in a role at the opposite end of the spectrum, when she played an ominous Mrs. The play was a hit in London and then on Broadway. They courted for 15 years! Paging Dr.

Margaret rutherford young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Margaret Rutherford Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer A Countess from Hong Kong Rare is the reference to Margaret Rutherford that doesn't characterize her as either jut-chinned, eccentric, or both. The combination of those most mundane of attributes has led some to suggest that she was made for the role of Agatha Christie 's indomitable sleuth, Jane Marple, whom Rutherford portrayed in four films between and plus in an uncredited film cameo in The Alphabet Murders Rutherford began her acting career first as a student at London's Old Vic, debuting on stage in In , she first appeared in the West End at the not-so-tender age of She had made her screen debut in portraying Miss Butterby in the Twickenham-Wardour production of Hideout in the Alps Appearing as Madame Arcati, the genuine psychic, was Rutherford, in a role in which Coward had earlier envisaged her and which he then especially shaped for her. Not only would this become one of Rutherford's most memorable screen performances - with her bicycling about the Kentish countryside, cape fluttering behind her - but it would establish the model for portraying that pseudo-soothsayer forever thereafter.

Retrieved 30 November Keep up with the top stories from Reader's Digest by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. Frank Burrows on August 7, at am.

Rutherford's early life was overshadowed by tragedies involving both of her parents. One month after the marriage, he suffered a nervous breakdown and was admitted to Bethnal House Lunatic Asylum. Released to travel under his family's supervision, he murdered his father, the Reverend Julius Benn, a Congregational Church minister, by bludgeoning him to death with a chamber pot , before slashing his own throat with a pocket knife at an inn in Matlock, Derbyshire on 4 March Seven years later, on 26 July , he was discharged from Broadmoor and reunited with his wife. He legally dropped his surname. Margaret's uncle, Sir John Benn, 1st Baronet , was a politician, and her first cousin once removed was the Labour politician Tony Benn.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Margaret Rutherford Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer A Countess from Hong Kong Rare is the reference to Margaret Rutherford that doesn't characterize her as either jut-chinned, eccentric, or both. The combination of those most mundane of attributes has led some to suggest that she was made for the role of Agatha Christie 's indomitable sleuth, Jane Marple, whom Rutherford portrayed in four films between and plus in an uncredited film cameo in The Alphabet Murders

Margaret rutherford young

The great comedy actress Margaret Rutherford was a late developer. Born in , she was in effect orphaned at the age of three. But he was quite lost to Margaret — he spent most of his adult life locked away in mental asylums, including the notorious prison for the criminally insane, Broadmoor. It was through childish dressing-up and family theatrics in the parlour that Margaret discovered her love of play-acting, and set her heart on going on the stage. She added elocution lessons to her repertoire, but remained less than happy as a teacher. Only after the deaths of her father and her guardian aunt did Margaret take her first decisive step towards a career in acting. It was and Margaret, well over 30, was a rather mature beginner.

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Authors Marion Shaw and Sabine Vanacker in their book Reflecting on Miss Marple complained that the emphasis on the "dotty element in the character" missed entirely "the quietness and sharpness" so admired in the novels. The works listed were:. He legally dropped his surname. Best of all was The Happiest Days of Your Life , in which she plays the headmistress of a girl's school which is merged with an establishment for boys led by Alastair Sim. Personal details Edit. Zero One 8. The V. Filmmakers and audiences loved her but Rutherford chose her roles with care. How much have you seen? Murder at the Gallop. Dixie Laite on August 7, at pm. The results are every bit as good as you expect the meeting of two of the world's very greatest comic actors to be, a veritable masterclass in how to make funny. Her jaunty performance, cycling about the Kent countryside, head held high, back straight, and cape fluttering behind her, established the model for portraying that role thereafter. Known for:. She nursed a mermaid in Miranda , dived into the archives as the dotty historian in the delightful Passport to Pimlico and was surely the only choice to play Miss Prism in The Importance of Being Ernest.

A forger returns to his family when he leaves jail, vowing to go straight. Although approached by an international counterfeiting gang, he keeps his word, only to find his nephew is in the

The Smallest Show on Earth. Despite an appearance rated unorthodox by society, she merrily carries on, never complaining, never explaining, perfectly adept at attracting companions eager to share her company. The Demi-Paradise. See our predictions. Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel. Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Later Gordon had sex reassignment surgery and became Dawn Langley Simmons, and she went on to write a biography of Rutherford in Photos But that contradicts a belief of mine that we've got to be centrifugal. The V. Not only was she one of the great performers of her age, but also one of the most loved. In Christie dedicated her novel The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side "To Margaret Rutherford in admiration", though the novelist was critical of the films for diverging from her original plots and playing dramatic scenes for laughs. Rutherford and Davis who died in are interred at the graveyard of St. At the time she set a record for the oldest woman and last born in the nineteenth century to win an Oscar. Murder She Said.

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