lyrics for low rider

Lyrics for low rider

Lyrics submitted by oofus.

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Lyrics for low rider


But of course, there is also an undeniable marijuana-related element present in the song. Why not add your own? This track was written by Ed Sheeran from the perspective of his friend.


Lyrics submitted by oofus. Yep, the song is about the West Coast Low-riders, referring to the pimped out cars with lowered suspensions. But of course, there is also an undeniable marijuana-related element present in the song. It's particularly noticeable in the lines 'The low rider is a little higher' and 'The low rider drives a little slower'. Of course it's also referring to the fact that the low riders like to drive really slowly to parade around their vehicles, but there's also another group of people who like to drive slowly too.

Lyrics for low rider

According to the AllMusic review of the song, "the lyric takes the cool, laidback image of the lowrider —the Chicano culture practice of hydraulically hot-rodding classic cars—and using innuendo, extends the image to a lifestyle". The song features a driving bass line by B. Dickerson , which is present almost throughout, and an alto saxophone and harmonica riff by Charles Miller , who also provides lead vocals and a saxophone solo towards the end of the song that includes a siren -like noise. Lee Oskar plays harmonica throughout the song doubling the alto sax line. This s single —related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

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Now you have access to all the features of Boomplay App. Payment is being processed by. Great driving song. Order Date. Your order is processing, and it may take up to a few days for the service provider to handle your payment. No Replies Log in to reply. Low rider don't use no gas, now. Try the alternative versions below. Most of the band grew up in the Southern California area and were immersed in the "Low Rider" culture. General Comment Something about a car. Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. Maybe a warm cuddle. Lyrics submitted by oofus.

PDF Playlist. According to the AllMusic review of the song, "the lyric takes the cool, laidback image of the low rider — the Chicano culture practice of hydraulically hot-rodding classic cars — and using innuendo, extends the image to a lifestyle". The song's most distinguishable features are its driving bass line by B.

Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. You'll lose your subscription if we don't have a working payment method for your account, so please check your payment details. Get Code. Low Rider drives a little slower. Cancelled: Your expired order will turn to "Cancelled". In general, it highlights the danger of hidden agendas, manipulation, and distraction, serving as a critique of those who exploit chaos and confusion to control and gain power, depicting a cautionary tale against falling into their traps. Yep, the song is about the West Coast Low-riders, referring to the pimped out cars with lowered suspensions. Your order is processing, and it may take up to a few days for the service provider to handle your payment. Hey Low Rider knows every street, yeah. Most of the band grew up in the Southern California area and were immersed in the "Low Rider" culture. The low rider is a little higher. Need help? Of course it's also referring to the fact that the low riders like to drive really slowly to parade around their vehicles, but there's also another group of people who like to drive slowly too.

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