lucy elfen lied

Lucy elfen lied

Elfen Lied revolves around the interactions, views, emotions, and differences between human beings and the Diclonii, a mutant species similar to humans in build but distinguishable by two horns on their heads and "vectors", lucy elfen lied, transparent telekinetically controlled arms that have the power to manipulate and cut objects within their reach.

The so-called 'Queen' Diclonius , Lucy, was an individual difficult to pin down by any standard of "good" or "evil" societal mores. She was both ruthlessly tormented and was also a sadistic tormentor to others, driven to a mental breakdown at an early age by the cruelty that surrounded her. Though she never expected to receive any form of love and acceptance from others, occasionally she got the chance to see that such things were, indeed, possible for someone like her. Her great love was Kouta , a boy she met when they were both children and again when they were young adults. Kaede was the first of the diclonii , a human sub-species that emerged in the late s and noted by their horns and ability to kill using high-vibrating arms called " vectors ", which are invisible to normal human sight. Elfen Lied is, beyond the extreme gore, violence, and otherwise, extremely uncomfortable subject matter, a tale defined both by her love for Kouta and her desire to atone for her past sins against him.

Lucy elfen lied

The plot and characters are described, below, using in-universe tone. Elfen Lied takes place in Kamakura , Japan, where a fictional mutant human sub-species, with violent telekinetic powers, has been discovered. Known as a Diclonius, any person showing signs of the mutation have either been contained in the Diclonius research facility or exterminated. She is assumed to be fifteen but never explicitly stated eighteen in the anime. However, she can be swift and lethal within that range, and will use any nearby objects as high-velocity projectiles to kill at greater distances. She is also capable of stopping or deflecting most standard ammunition when she concentrates on the task. Lucy hates humans mainly because of how she was abused by her human peers as a child, several of whom she eventually killed after they captured a puppy which Lucy had been caring for and beat it to death in front of her; which led to her brutally murdering them out of revenge. Consequently, she discounts non-diclonii, claiming they are not real people, to the point of telling Nana that she has "not killed one of her own yet". She is incredibly sadistic , severing limbs and blinding foes, leaving them to bleed to death rather than killing them outright. Despite this lack of concern for human life she will not harm Kouta, and cries and apologizes for killing his family in a fit of jealousy; she loves Kouta, but due to her actions in the past, she believes he will be content without her existence. As such, she refrains from killing in his presence, except at the series' end, when she kills an entire Special Assault Team unit in front of him. However, Lucy still is not above acts of jealousy, once using her vectors to shove Yuka when she saw her holding hands with Kouta. As the series progresses she develops a wider vocabulary; by the halfway point she is able to speak perfectly normal.

Start a Wiki. Her mother, realizing what he had done, spent the rest of her life searching for her, a quest that finally caught the attention of the wrong person. During this time young Lucy, while holding her pup, lucy elfen lied, sometimes heard and listened in on the lucy elfen lied of young Nozomiwho fled to those same mountains to hide her singing from her family, but the two never truly met during these times.

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Lucy elfen lied

This is your place for valuable information on Elfen Lied series by Lynn Okamoto including the original Manga and the Anime! Want to help but unsure what to edit? Please Join Up! Register here and help make this site the go-to for thorough, accurate information about this dark but wonderful series!

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The Lucy they faced here was easily at her most sadistic and cruel. Read Edit View history. Lucy then ripped her head off and used her body as a shield against gunfire before killing the guards, further driving in her promise to Kurama that only he would live to suffer. Kurama cares deeply for Nana who calls him "Papa" and seems to think of her as his own child. Retrieved August 8, He then removes a wig to show her his horns and also reveals that he was the one responsible for releasing Lucy at the research center. During her transfer from the original holding area to the new one, a security guard dropped his mobile phone into her strike zone, and Lucy used it to cut his arm off, and in the resulting panic, killed him and his partner. Finding Kouta, Yuka, and Nyu waiting for her, who then present Mayu with a small cake from the bakery — the woman at the bakery who provides Mayu with breadcrusts had saved it for her since it was her birthday. The series relates nothing of her care and feeding during this period. This earns her trust and friendship, and she even prevents him from getting hit by an angry Yuka shortly thereafter.

T he Elfen Lied anime has one of the most peculiar legacies in the industry because of its place in the medium's culture and the era during which it came out. The late s were a period of transition for the anime industry, with the Big Three still in full force, and a new generation of fans reaching adulthood, which is a concern this series, in a way, addresses to some degree.

Feeding the puppy on breadcrumbs left him still hungry, so she felt forced to give most of her dinner to it. In the anime, he takes with him a music box he had recently purchased which played " Lilium " and strikes up a conversation with her when she apparently likes the song from the music box. He is later discovered by Nana, but he shuns her away at first, clinging to Cynthia's corpse, thinking she's his daughter. However, her character eventually plays an important, key role for humanity's salvation in the last story arc of the manga. Elfen Lied, Volume 6. March 20, Except for an instance of tripping Yuka when the couple thought she was Nyu, Lucy never makes an attempt to hurt or kill her rival. She was both ruthlessly tormented and was also a sadistic tormentor to others, driven to a mental breakdown at an early age by the cruelty that surrounded her. At the festival, Kanae watched as Lucy killed several people around her. This knowledge, though, was kept back from him by his amnesia, the result of the trauma he witnessed as a boy. She has no problems in torturing and murdering others, no matter what race or species they belong to, be it human or diclonius. In the anime, he is not killed, and continues with his plans. When she learned he was going to a nearby festival for the last day of his visit, she begged to go with him, but he said that he promised to go with his cousin.

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