

These criteria have been developed by teachers for teachers and provide essential information so that you can select appropriate liveworksheets and use them with your learners, liveworksheets.

At TeacherMade , we have worked hard to create the most intuitive digital worksheet creator for Teachers. TeacherMade simplifies the process of converting your existing worksheets into online worksheets for your students. We talked with Teachers who have experience using both TeacherMade and Liveworksheets. Regina B. TeacherMade has an intuitive format that makes it easy to format your online worksheets. Our toolbar makes it easy to add features such as different question types, Teacher text, audio, and visuals to your digital worksheets.


LiveWorksheets allows you to transform your traditional printable worksheets and classwork doc, pdf, jpgs and turn them into interactive online exercises with automatic grading, making them An amazing tool for students, teachers, and schools! Need to learn the basics on how to setup or use worksheets? No problem! We have a guide to help you get started. We have video tutorials to walk you through the most common features of the website to make it easy to get started. Have a question or stuck? Ask our amazing community of users and site moderators questions for help. Resources, how-to's and tips to do your classwork and learn from the millions of worksheets provided for free? Start here!

Choose who you share and collaborate with when liveworksheets use TeacherMade, liveworksheets. Liveworksheets has a workbook feature that many Teachers find appealing. Playphrase Tool to find the pronunciation of words from movies.


A simple worksheet to practice the simple present of the verb to be. Students have to write "am", "is" or "are". Simple explanation and exercise to introduce the first conditional. Sentence 18 IS negative. I'll change it a.


LiveWorksheets allows you to transform your traditional printable worksheets doc, pdf, jpg Students can do the worksheets online and send their answers to the teacher. This is good for the students it's motivating , for the teacher it saves time and for the environment it saves paper. Additionally, our interactive worksheets take full advantage of the new technologies applied to education: they may include sounds, videos, drag and drop exercises, join with arrows, multiple choice You can use LiveWorksheets to make your own interactive worksheets or you can use the ones shared by other teachers. We have a collection of thousands of interactive worksheets that cover lots of languages and subjects. It's very easy.

Farya faraji

Respect for privacy Does the tool require registration? Technical requirements: In order to use the tool, what are the important technical aspects to consider in terms of compatibility of operating systems, equipment, browsers, etc.? Liveworksheets has a workbook feature that many Teachers find appealing. The downside is your students can probably find these worksheets too. Intuitive Design. Both TeacherMade and Liveworksheets offer the versatility to link or add assignments to Google Classroom or other online class formats. Given the many different options available, however, teachers need to carefully select the most appropriate exercise format required for each learning activity. Interactivity: What possibilities does this tool offer for communication and collaboration amongst learners? Benefits of TeacherMade as an online Teacher tool. We talked with Teachers who have experience using both TeacherMade and Liveworksheets. TeacherMade simplifies the process of converting your existing worksheets into online worksheets for your students. Resources, how-to's and tips to do your classwork and learn from the millions of worksheets provided for free? Science Teacher Tiffany S. Auf Deutsch ansehen.

As a source for thousands of live, interactive worksheets to use in the classroom, Liveworksheets. The site has a library of worksheets on 65 subjects in 99 languages. A tutorial guides teachers on how to create interactive, live worksheets and how to use them optimally in the classroom, for homework, and also for teaching online.

Download worksheets to your computer. This functionality is a little different on Liveworksheets. For Teachers Forget grading homework assignments, and focus on teaching. Intuitive Design. Evaluation: Liveworksheets is a useful tool for creating interactive exercises for students. What is TeacherMade? Tailorability If so, how? Both TeacherMade and Liveworksheets offer the versatility to link or add assignments to Google Classroom or other online class formats. Transform your existing materials into online worksheets. View More Worksheets. Possibility of the tool to be used for a range of different activities e. How can we help? Playphrase works mainly with English. Join thousands of other Teachers in digitizing your online materials with TeacherMade.

3 thoughts on “Liveworksheets

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - it is very occupied. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.

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