little women chapter 1 summary

Little women chapter 1 summary

They're complaining about the fact that this year, the family is too poor for them to get presents. Beth reminds the girls that they may not have presents, but they have each other and their parents.

The story begins on Christmas Eve, where the four daughters are gathered in their simple living room lamenting that, this year, they are too poor to have presents on Christmas. Meg is sixteen and quite pretty. She can be vain, especially about her soft, white hands. Jo is fifteen years old, a tomboy with a fierce temper. Jo loves to write stories and plays, which the girls act out. Beth is thirteen and exceptionally quiet, but she loves music and her family.

Little women chapter 1 summary

We meet the girls first in Chapter 1 as they sit around the living room bemoaning the fact that they will not be having Christmas presents this year. They each have one dollar which seems too little to help any social cause. The girls discuss what they are going to buy for themselves with their money. The girls are in the process of warming their mother's ragged slippers before the fire when Beth decides that she will use her dollar to get her mother a pair of new ones. This brings animated discussion as each girl thinks about what she might be able to buy her mother. They all agree to go shopping the next day to buy gifts for Marmee. Planning and discussion takes place for other Christmas festivities. The girls will be putting on a play, something which seems to be a family tradition. At the end of the chapter, Marmee comes home bringing a letter from Father who sends them news and his love, but reveals that he will be away from home for at least another year. The first chapter introduces us to each of the March girls and to their mother. The father is absent, as the story begins during the Civil War and Mr.

Start free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Jo speaks first, showing that she is the most outspoken of the four. Amy goes home and tells her family what happened.

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The story begins on Christmas Eve, where the four daughters are gathered in their simple living room lamenting that, this year, they are too poor to have presents on Christmas. Meg is sixteen and quite pretty. She can be vain, especially about her soft, white hands. Jo is fifteen years old, a tomboy with a fierce temper. Jo loves to write stories and plays, which the girls act out.

Little women chapter 1 summary

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The note says he heard of their generosity and wanted to send a few "trifles" of appreciation. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv bn. Meg announces they have been invited to a party at the home of Meg's friend, Sallie. Demi asks Jo and Bhaer if big boys like big girls, to which Bhaer says he thinks they do, delighting Jo. This section contains words approx. Your Plan. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Marmee Mrs. Definitions and examples of literary terms and devices. Chapter: The Valley of the Shadow As Beth's health fails, the family sets up a lovely room for her, with her piano and Amy's sketches. Laurence is perceived as proud, but the girls are curious about his bashful nephew.

The story opens in Concord, Massachusetts, just a few days before Christmas in the year The four March girls — motherly Meg age 16 , boyish Jo age 15 , frail yet pious Beth age 13 , and elegant Amy age 12 — live alone with their mother, Mrs.

At the party, unable to dance because of her burnt dress, Jo stumbles into a corner where Theodore Laurence, nephew of their wealth neighbor, is also hiding. Laurie ends up staying for a month in France to enjoy Amy's company, and she lectures him on being more attentive to his grandfather and keeping himself busy. Marmee asked her daughters to visit their poor neighbors every day, but only Beth does and ends up getting scarlet fever from their baby. Marmee arrives with a letter from Mr. Then they all sing together before they go to bed. When Bhaer says he has gotten a job in the West, Jo cries. Why does Aunt March leave Jo her house? They all sing before bedtime. Renews March 12, March 5, It also prepares the scene for the entrance of the Laurence's into the March lives. Beth is thirteen, very shy, and calm. Their selfishness is forgotten in their desire to please their mother, and they remember the Christian ideas of selflessness and generosity. Log in Sign up Sparknotes.

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