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Listcrawler boston

Michael Enstrom of the Colonial Regional Police Department holds paper with blacked out images of a woman advertising her sexual services. Local detectives have seen a surge in online prostitution activity, leading to a number of prostitution-related arrests in the area. A screen shot of the website Backpage. Last year, federal law enforcement authorities seized Backpage. Last week, an Allentown vice detective responded to an online ad featuring two young, practically naked women. When a woman showed up at the March 28 sting, the detective promptly arrested her — his seventh bust in a month. A few days later, he made his eighth arrest in a similar online sting. Those are just a few of the busts that local authorities say highlight a sudden surge in prostitution-related activity in the Lehigh Valley? After Backpage was shut down by federal authorities last April, the Lehigh Valley witnessed a noticeable decrease in prostitution arrests. Besides the eight Allentown arrests from Feb.

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