lavoisier pronunciation

Lavoisier pronunciation

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Thanks for contributing. Please Log in or Register or post as a guest. Add word Add a pronunciation Add collection Create quiz Log in or Sign up. Learn how to pronounce Antoine Lavoisier Antoine Lavoisier.

Lavoisier pronunciation

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Lavoisier should be in sentence.


Thanks for contributing. Please Log in or Register or post as a guest. Add word Add a pronunciation Add collection Create quiz Log in or Sign up. Learn how to pronounce Lavoisier Lavoisier.

Lavoisier pronunciation

Considered the father of modern chemistry, Lavoisier promoted the Chemical Revolution, naming oxygen and helping systematize chemical nomenclature. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, a meticulous experimenter, revolutionized chemistry. The son of a wealthy Parisian lawyer, Lavoisier — completed a law degree in accordance with family wishes. His real interest, however, was in science, which he pursued with passion while leading a full public life. A few years later he married the daughter of another tax farmer, Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze, who was not quite 14 at the time. In Lavoisier was appointed a commissioner of the Royal Gunpowder and Saltpeter Administration and took up residence in the Paris Arsenal. He meanwhile succeeded in producing more and better gunpowder by increasing the supply and ensuring the purity of the constituents—saltpeter potassium nitrate , sulfur, and charcoal—as well as by improving the methods of granulating the powder. His giving new names to substances—most of which are still used today—was an important means of forwarding the Chemical Revolution, because these terms expressed the theory behind them. He considered 33 substances as elements —by his definition, substances that chemical analyses had failed to break down into simpler entities. Ironically, considering his opposition to phlogiston see Priestley , among these substances was caloric , the unweighable substance of heat, and possibly light, that caused other substances to expand when it was added to them.

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