ladies and gentlemen we got him gif

Ladies and gentlemen we got him gif

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Ladies and gentlemen we got him gif

They had founded the national-conservative party Law and Justice in , and in they came to power. They held the most important political positions in the country: Jarosław was the prime minister, and Lech was the president. But the party was ruling in a coalition, and it wasn't working all that well. Gaffe followed gaffe followed gaffe, and by it was in opposition. Conspiracy theories regarding the death spread around Poland. The above picture circulated among the Polish right as proof that the crash was a Russian plot, carried out with the cooperation of prime minister Donald Tusk. Amid rising anti-Russian sentiment among Polish nationalists, Jarosław Kaczyński also suggested his brother's death was an assassination , and refused to accept an official report on the accident. His conspiracy theories became legendary: One was that the Russians had created a helium bubble in order to reduce lifting force on one side of the plane, along with their spreading artificial fog, planting a bomb that caused the explosion after the plane landed, and so on Translation: "They make such bangers out of plywood in Nowy Sącz, and poor Polish folk have to travel on them. For some Poles Law and Justice was not radical enough. A man named Janusz Korwin-Mikke began to build up a following. This was a guy about whom Nigel Farage had once said "I am happy that there is someone compared to whom I can look like a pretty moderate politician. He had previously claimed Hitler was probably not aware that Jews were being exterminated, that women should not have the vote, and had used the n-word to describe black people.

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Fifteen years ago, the American head of the post-invasion Iraqi government, Paul Bremer, made the biggest announcement of his life. A day earlier, US forces had captured Saddam Hussein. But it has little to do with the invasion, the fallout or Bremer himself. And like all good memes, it manages to be both beautifully simple and terribly complex. Viscerally funny. But there are more confusing layers that do need explaining. The next thing that happens is a distorted, overly loud mix of the song — a staple of post-ironic meme humour. Many, but not all, versions then add footage of Swat teams knocking down doors and swarming a house, to underline just how thoroughly the person has been rinsed.

Ladies and gentlemen we got him gif

Next Chevron Pointing Right. Join Imgur Emerald to award Accolades! Add to Favorites. Jump to Comments. Ladies and gentlemen, we've got him! Options Menu. At hours, in a quiet little village in the quiet little country of Belgium there stood a quiet little house, where nothing stirred, not even a mouse. At that time the alarm went off, waking everyone in the house. As they rushed to the christmas tree, they saw that the plan had worked, a jolly good man was caught. Now, let it be known, that the coming time will be used to thorougly, but humanly by CIA standards , question this good man on his means of transportation, his workforce, his lodgings and his apparent unlimited and clean power source.

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Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. In retrospect, he made this announcement in a very weird way.

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