labrador retriever corgi mix

Labrador retriever corgi mix

Corgi Lab Mix or Corgidor, is a fascinating mixed breed dog. It combines the spirited nature of the Welsh Corgis and the friendly disposition of Labrador Retrievers. These mid-sized energetic pups are popular in the United States for their unique appearance and family-friendly temperament.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. If you are a dog lover who has spent any time on social media, then you may have come across the viral joke that a corgi dog mixed with another breed is really just that other breed in the shape of a corgi. In this article, we take a closer look at all things corgidor, including common physical characteristics, typical personality and temperament, and potential health issues. The adorable corgi Labrador is a medium-sized mixed breed that results from pairing a Welsh corgi with a Labrador retriever.

Labrador retriever corgi mix

Also known as the Corgidor, this breed is energetic, fun and very lovable. What do you expect from combining a bouncy Labrador with an active ball of fluff like a Corgi? The Labrador and Corgi are established family dogs. These dogs are known to bond with their owners and become protectors and their friends. Labradors love to be with their human family, to do everything that their owners do. Labs are always on the go and are very intelligent. They guide the less abled and are employed as service dogs. Corgis, on the other hand, prefer to serve only one master which is why most live in small apartments together with their single owners. Corgis can live with other pets as well as other Corgis. They can tolerate children and will love to be the center of attention. One of the most common complaints of Lab Corgi Mix owners is that their dogs tend to bark uncontrollably especially during nighttime. Because this dog is a mixture of two barking breeds, it is easy to see where it has inherited this irritating trait. A Lab mixed with a Corgi should, therefore, be trained early and should get enough exercise daily to avoid this annoying barking habit. Although Labradors and Corgis are very affectionate and are devoted dogs, their outgoing and friendly nature does not make them a good guard dog.

They would be able to adapt to apartment living with a rigorous exercise schedule and nearby dog parks, but would really thrive in a big house with a yard and space to run. This medium-sized dog can weigh anywhere between 30 to 60 pounds. Energetic dogs, labrador retriever corgi mix, bred for specific tasks such as retrieving for hunters or herding livestock, are always ready for action and have enough stamina to work a full day.

The Corgidor is a mixed breed dog — a cross between the Corgi and Labrador Retriever dog breeds. Mid-sized, even tempered, and energetic, these pups inherited some of the best traits from both of their parents. They often look similar to a Labrador with short legs. Despite their unfortunate status as a designer breed, you may find these mixed breed dogs in shelters and rescues, so remember to adopt! Corgidors would make great additions to almost any family with a moderate-to-active lifestyle. Also, if you like the outdoors, this pup may be your new favorite companion.

The Lab mix has one Labrador Retriever parent, and another parent from any other breed of dog. They include designer hybrids, accidental matings and muddled up mutts. And they all have a wonderful splash of Labrador in their character somewhere. The best Lab mix breeds are of course a matter of opinion. As with any purebred dog , it depends entirely upon why you want a canine companion. If you want a small Lab mix as a family companion then getting one who is crossed with a smaller, calmer breed is a good choice. But if you want a dog for sports or hunting then going with a Labrador crossed with another working breed is a sensible move. If you want a dog to have a go at agility, then a Collie cross is a great place to start. Lab mix dogs are often found in shelters or Lab rescue centers. Labrador mix bred dogs can often look very different to either of their parents.

Labrador retriever corgi mix

This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. If you are a dog lover who has spent any time on social media, then you may have come across the viral joke that a corgi dog mixed with another breed is really just that other breed in the shape of a corgi. In this article, we take a closer look at all things corgidor, including common physical characteristics, typical personality and temperament, and potential health issues. The adorable corgi Labrador is a medium-sized mixed breed that results from pairing a Welsh corgi with a Labrador retriever.

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Corgidors tend to inherit all of these characteristics. Some individuals appreciate this quality, as not everyone seeks a highly sociable canine companion. He is loyal, loving, sweet, and tender. However, shedding can concern pet owners considering this mixed breed. Here are a few pros and cons for better decision-making. Labradors can adapt to cold weather and different tasks. It prevents any aggressive tendencies from developing later in life. They often look similar to a Labrador with short legs. A well-socialized dog that has positive experiences with children is more likely to be kid-friendly, regardless of their breed. This means there are no true breed standards for the corgi Lab mix. There are still many ways to help your pooch become dog-friendly. These energetic dogs require around three cups of high-quality dog food daily. Get ready to meet the giants of the doggy world!


The price of a Corgidor puppy can vary. Despite their short coats, these dogs can be heavy shedders and shed year-round. Welsh Corgis are renowned for their intelligence, agility, and devoted nature. Tips for first-time or novice dog owners Photo Credit: franckreporter Getty Images For first-time or novice dog owners, pet ownership can be both exciting and daunting. They also want to ride cars, bikes, anything that moves to take them to places. Dog Training 2 years ago. Regularly check their ears for signs of infection such as redness, bad odor, or lots of wax , especially if your Corgidor likes swimming. Bladder stones Cataracts Glaucoma Patellar luxation. Dogs from any breed can be good with children based on their past experiences. Corgis, on the other hand, prefer to serve only one master which is why most live in small apartments together with their single owners. Therefore the height of a pup may vary depending on which parent breed it takes after.

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