la voz de.lanzarote

La voz de.lanzarote

One of the problems with becoming elderly is that you begin to forget things,…….

Back in July we posted an article entitled Lanzarote Folk Set Fine Example, that remains stored in our easy to navigater archives of over seven hundred articles This was written after a public holiday weekend during which we had seen Yaiza Choir perform during an open-air Mass in the town square in front of the church in Playa Blanca. It had special significance to me, not because I am in any way religious but rather because the event symbolised the gentlesness and peacefulness of this island people, who have made us so welcome since we retired here in In fact, several members of this choir are friends of my wife so we try to follow them wherever we can. We have seen them give many folk-loric performances too, full of songs that celebrate the landscape, the weather and, of course, the sea. These folk-songs are always imbued with a gratitude for that lifestyle. It was great to see La Voz recently carrying news of the Yaiza Choir, and telling of a neat piece of serendipity that saw the opening of a yearly religious celebration align with the marking of a significant anniversary for a choir that plays such a part in the religious events on the island, and much more besides.

La voz de.lanzarote

If the isolated high-level depression comes it will bring a change in the weather which is needed to combat the pre-alert for forest fires…. What's New in the Canary Islands? A Quick Look for Students. The Canary Islands will finally address laws for tourist municipalities after almost 30 years. The Canary Islands' largest travel agency celebrates its 60th anniversary. Five most accessible beaches in Gran Canaria for mobility issues. Pre-alert activated for forest fires in five of the Canary Islands. Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in Now. Museum in Tenerife set to reopen after being closed for seven years. The EU wants to make it easier for foreigners to work in EU countries. Dead body of a male tourist found in room at a holiday complex in Puerto Rico. Arson attack in Los Cristianos during Carnival celebrations.

The Canary Islands will finally address laws for tourist municipalities after almost 30 years. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again.

They are protesting against Cabildo proposals that would allow taxis from any part of the island to offer services when the taxis from a particular municipality in question are overstretched, for example during fiestas or at the busy times at the airport. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Information Advertising Editorial Digital Classifieds. Sign-up to the Gazette Newsletter to receive a weekly email including the most important news stories and upcoming events. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible.

Jump to navigation. Alberto Lasso, decano del Colegio de Arquitectos de Lanzarote. Declarada la alerta por lluvia y prealerta por vientos y tormentas en la provincia oriental. El Servicio de Carreteras Insular despliega a todo su personal ante la alerta por lluvias. Yaiza suspende las actividades al aire libre por la DANA. La caza en Lanzarote: una sociedad, 1. Lanzarote registra denuncias de delitos por violencia sobre la mujer en Nueva Canarias pide limitar los precios del alquiler en Arrecife. Arden por completo tres coches y otro resulta afectado al igual que una vivienda. Avanza el proyecto de desarrollo de un ecopuerto en la isla de La Graciosa.

La voz de.lanzarote

De momento, el sol vence a la lluvia El Cabildo garantiza la seguridad de las carreteras ante la Dana. De momento, no se ha retirado la amenaza de huelga entre el 25 y 31 de marzo en plena Semana Santa. El Servicio de Carreteras Insular despliega a todo su personal ante la alerta por lluvias. Se suspenden todas las actividades al aire libre en Arrecife. La empresa ha sido una de las ganadoras del concurso Lanzarote Emprende. El artesano de Yaiza promociona la versatilidad de su obra creativa en artesaniapancho. El Consejo Regulador de la DO de Vinos de Lanzarote busca deleitar a ese colectivo con actividades entretenidas y envolventes.

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So come follow your art to Mancha Blanca and its annual artisan market to the scene of our latest humbling. Yellow flag on a beach in Fuerteventura for sharks. Loading Comments We have been assured, though, that the government and the tourist board are doing all they can to anticipate and provide requirements that meet those needs. Five most accessible beaches in Gran Canaria for mobility issues. Your kingdom is in us, within the heart. Dee, my wife Dee, fell into conversation with a lady working the stall for the Asociacion Cultural, Socia, Patrimonial y Agricola Milana. Just when we were absolutely exhausted by our walk around the market, we found a large oasis, right in the centre. Sign-up to the Gazette Newsletter to receive a weekly email including the most important news stories and upcoming events. Canary Islands Government declares fourth pre-alert for Calima this year.

M'agrada M'agrada. Felicitaciones, Colbran!! Gracies Colbran.

We kid ourselves that forgetting we are elderly proves our youthfulness, but it sometimes has strange ramifications. More reading:. The EU wants to make it easier for foreigners to work in EU countries. The thousands of people who applauded Melendi remained in their place to delight in his talent. A Quick Look for Students. Long live the Virgin of Los Remedios! Dee, my wife Dee, fell into conversation with a lady working the stall for the Asociacion Cultural, Socia, Patrimonial y Agricola Milana. There was a stage set out and microphones. The audience, totally dedicated to the event, was enthusiastic throughout the performance, singing in unison the great successes of the protagonist of the night. Saddened by what sounded like the demise of the Cochineal Museum, we were nevertheless uplifted by the evidence of so many artisanal skills being worked and exhibited on the island. Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in Now. Feel free to contribute! If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences.

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