Kuran 7 sure 7 ayet
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Fatiha Suresi. Bakara Suresi. Al-i İmran Sur. Nisa Suresi. Maide Suresi.
Kuran 7 sure 7 ayet
Muhammed Suresi Yasin Suresi Seni tenzih ederim.
Allahdan korkun. Ve Allah'tan korkun. Allah'tan korkun. And whatever God provided to His messenger from the people of the townships, then it shall be to God and His messenger, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer. Thus, it will not remain monopolized by the rich among you. And you may take what the messenger gives you, but do not take what he withholds you from taking. And be aware of God, for God is mighty in retribution. What God gave in spoil to His messenger from the people of the cities belongs to God and His messenger, and to relatives, and the fatherless, and the needy, and the wayfarer that it be not a distribution by turns between the rich among you. And what the Messenger gives you: take it, and from what he forbids you: refrain — and be in prudent fear of God; God is severe in retribution —. Whatever the Messenger gives you you should accept and whatever he forbids you you should forgo.
Kuran 7 sure 7 ayet
Talak suresi 7. The rich shall provide support in accordance with his means, and the poor shall provide according to the means that God bestowed upon him. God does not burden any soul more than He has given it. God will provide ease after difficulty. Let him who has abundance spend out of his abundance, and whose provision is measured — let him spend out of what God has given him. God charges not a soul save with what He has given it. God will make, after hardship, ease. He who has plenty should spend out from his plenty, but he whose provision is restricted should spend from what Allah has given him. Allah does not demand from any self more than He has given it. Allah will appoint after difficulty, ease.
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Fakat bilmiyorsunuz. Necm Suresi. Size korku yok. Tur Suresi. Girin cennete. Ayet Mekke 8 Rabbinizden size indirilene uyun. A'raf Suresi 8. Mut'affifin Suresi. Musa : «Ey Rabbim! Leyl Suresi Zilzal Suresi Muhammed Suresi Bakara Suresi 3.
Enfal Suresi 9. Ey Peygamber! Kalem Suresi. RAB'binizin emrine acele mi ettiniz? Nas Suresi. Ayet Mekke 8 Kafirun Suresi. Rabbi ona : «Ey Musa! Abese Suresi. Mut'affifin Suresi Andolsun, onlardan sana kim uyarsa sizin, hepinizi cehenneme doldururum.
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