

Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data partially from exclusive partnerships, ktuin.

K-tuin is renowned for having a large range of Apple products. With the exception of Apple, there is nowhere else we can find a better range: all the Mac desktop , laptops, tablets and mobiles. The shop sells all the accessories you can imagine: covers, headphones, blue tooth and an endless list of other devices. There are also seminars on a wide range of topics relating to new computing technology, as well as technical assistance and maintenance by telephone and other specific services aimed at companies and individuals. If you are passionate about technology and gadgets, especially Apple products, if you once enter this shop, you'll find it hard to leave. Skip to main content.


Recommended if you are going to make a high cost in equipment or components, if you want to solve doubts or buy a peripheral of little value, better consider going to grant center, here it seems that you are forgiven for spending less than euretes. Or at least that's the feeling I had Fantastic treatment and a very personalized attention. I definitely recommend it;. Unfortunate technical service, if you need to use the technical service go directly to an apple store. Change the battery of my iPhone 6 here and since then loses coverage constantly. I was treated by one Alberto on both occasions telling me that it would be a coincidence that they, with the change of batteries, do not touch the antenna in a very arrogant way. I discovered it by chance. I took it to another technical service and I had left the antenna half damaged by improperly mounting the battery. I have already put a claim to you because in it another technical service has charged me what you have not wanted to assume here. I guess it happens to use commercials as technicians. I even called Apple and they told me that it is better not to go to Ktuin for these issues since they receive these types of complaints every day. I want to thank the person who answered me on the phone on Thursday afternoon 26, I do not remember the name but it was a girl.

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The Reward Points Program allows you to earn points for certain actions you take on the site. Points are awarded based on making purchases and customer actions such as submitting reviews. Once you register you will be able to earn and accrue reward points, which are then redeemable at time of purchase towards the cost of your order. Rewards are an added bonus to your shopping experience on the site and just one of the ways we thank you for being a loyal customer. The value of reward points is determined by an exchange rate of both currency spent on products to points, and an exchange rate of points earned to currency for spending on future purchases.

La tienda de K-Tuin es un buen ejemplo de ello. Apple rara vez ofrece ofertas o descuentos en el precio de sus productos. Normalmente cuando se acerca el lanzamiento de un nuevo modelo de iPhone o iPad, las generaciones anteriores tienen a recibir rebajas. En ambas tiendas es posible financiar tu compra, algo que puede resultar conveniente en algunas ocasiones. Sobretodo para tener una buena experiencia de compra como usuarios.


Ir a la oferta. Cursos de k-tuin skool, durante 1 mes gratis! No me patrocina la tienda, que quede claro angel Las mejores ofertas de k-tuin de nuestra comunidad.

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Miguel Juanes. All the kindness, speed and professionalism that the Apple store in Sol does not have. I guess it happens to use commercials as technicians. Sports center 4. Verify this business. Anabel de Paz. Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. Paloma Pierrard. Today I ask K-tuin customer service where my iPad is, and they tell me that it has not arrived. My experience has been unbeatable. I even called Apple and they told me that it is better not to go to Ktuin for these issues since they receive these types of complaints every day. Health and beauty shops Juan C. Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. We will always be grateful they have got some friends and very close clients for the family.

K-tuin opened a new site in Madrid on December 2, which brings to 30 the number of dedicated Apple Premium Resellers owned by the Group in Spain.

A paid subscription is required for full access. Get a comprehensive view of the company, from pricing and customer service to product quality and more. Irene Casco Company. I like to go from time to time to be aware of what is sold. Very nice and space and great treatment. Clavelina gmail. Reward points can be set to expire. My experience has been unbeatable. Alvaro Solana. I don't know why people buy in K-tuin if there is Apple. In addition to their enormous efficiency and accessibility they have exquisite kindness and unsurpassed professionalism. Luis Duran. Reward Points Exchange Rates The value of reward points is determined by an exchange rate of both currency spent on products to points, and an exchange rate of points earned to currency for spending on future purchases. You need one of our Business Solutions to use this function. The next day they call me to say that in the end it is not that, that they have to change the hard drive and that would cost me about euros.

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