komenskys market photos

Komenskys market photos

Learn more about this business on Yelp. As a kid my mother use to get kielbasa here. I now live in San Diego and saw on facebook they ship. Great customer service, komenskys market photos, excellent quality food

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Komenskys market photos

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I never tried double smoked kielbasa until today. If you like the smokey flavor then this is for you. I thought it would taste more dried out than the regular but it was still moist. I now prefer the double smoked over the regular for sure. The cheese one is also a very good option but this sells out first it seems. Best kielbasa in all of Northeastern Pennsylvania and probably the entire state in my opinion and many many other share my opinion. Also great selection of all Meats and and top Quality Meats they are.

I am a big fan of the fresh and I love the smoked. I have in the past driven from Vermont passing The best Kielbasa! I have been there several times when I lived near by. I am in the Poconos now. I mentioned how good this place is to my boyfriend. He just had to go!! Well let me tell

Komenskys market photos

I never tried double smoked kielbasa until today. If you like the smokey flavor then this is for you. I thought it would taste more dried out than the regular but it was still moist. I now prefer the double smoked over the regular for sure. The cheese one is also a very good option but this sells out first it seems. Best kielbasa in all of Northeastern Pennsylvania and probably the entire state in my opinion and many many other share my opinion. Also great selection of all Meats and and top Quality Meats they are. Been shopping there for as long as I can remember and get the kielbasa several times a year and especially for the upcoming holidays. Very courteous and polite workers as well.

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Komensky's Market in Duryea, Pennsylvania. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Recipient name. Please enable it in your browser settings. Burd, Alvin W. Get the latest headlines on local sports! Special Sections. View 4 reviews on. Komensky's Market Dallas updated their cover photo. If you don't follow the rules , your comment may be deleted. You voted:. Local Weather Get our expert short-term forecast, summary of the weather details and news of any severe weather. Edit Close.

Learn more about this business on Yelp. As a kid my mother use to get kielbasa here.

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