Kobu rey leon
ZiraJasiri formerlyKiara formerlyKion formerlySimba formerly. Kovu is a male lion.
El personaje principal de la serie es Simba. Simba es el protagonista principal. Es el actual rey de Pride Lands. Nala ayuda a Simba en la batalla contra Scar y las hienas. Al morir su padre, Mufasa ocupa el trono de Las Tierras del Reino junto a su esposa, la reina Sarabi.
Kobu rey leon
Su actitud y modales insolentes hicieron que abandonara a su familia y su madriguera. I was part of it.
Kiara hereda la curiosidad de sus padres y se ha metido en problemas por vagar. Como resultado, no lleva tan rico un oro como el de de su padre o abuelo. Su hocico, las patas y el bajo vientre son de color crema, mientras que su tope de cola es de color crema. Antes de que ella pueda irse, Simba, que se convierte seriamente sobre-protector, comienza a pasar con una lista extensa de advertencias sobre la seguridad de las Tierras del Reino. Molesta, Kiara es capaz de repetirlas de memoria, sugiriendo que las ha escuchado muchas veces antes y se irrita. Cuando los dos entran en un desacuerdo, Kiara es capaz de deslizarse. Recordando las palabras de Simba sobre Forasteros, ella las toma literalmente y continuamente se posiciona para que su espalda no sea a Kovu. Los dos cachorros se ven obligados a trabajar juntos para escapar de algunos cocodrilos y convertirse en amigos como resultado. Mufasa es capaz de comunicar un plan a Rafiki, usando una calabaza rota como ejemplo. Kiara intenta escapar, pero es superada por el humo, y es salvada por Kovu.
Kobu rey leon
Es el hijo de Zira , hermano de Nuka y Vitani , y el hijo adoptivo de Scar. Este incidente, hace que ambos se hagan amigos. Cuando Zira se entera de ello, decide usar su amistad como arma contra Simba. Kovu es agresivo y crudo, incluso como un cachorro. Posteriormente recibe una cicatriz en su ojo izquierdo que es infligida por Zira. Como parte del plan, rescata a Kiara de un incendio que ha sido puesto por Nuka y su hermana Vitani.
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Kion asked if Kovu was alone, and Anga answered that there was no sign of the royal family, which made the Lion Guard worry that they had arrived too late to stop the Outsiders. El nombre de Mohatu en "Suajili" significa "Amor". Kovu es encontrado por Kiara y juntos deciden intervenir en la batalla entre la manada de Simba y los Forasteros. He managed to carry her through a burning forest and plunged off a cliff face into a lake below. Wikimedia Commons. The Outsiders, realizing that there was a better way of life, abandoned Zira and walked across the battlefield to join Simba's pride. Zira sent Kovu to retrieve and rescue the princess. Season 1 , Episode Upon returning to the Outlands, Zira set Kovu down beside his sister, Vitani, who challenged him to a play-fight. Kiara sought Kovu out and convinced him to help her unite their feuding prides. I thought we could be She asked him what he had been taught, and he replied that Simba was the enemy. They fell down the pile and crushed Nuka. What's the point of this training?
El personaje principal de la serie es Simba. Simba es el protagonista principal.
She circled around him, pleased with his progress, and commented that he had the same blackness in his soul as Scar. Simba ignored them both and reminded Kovu that when the Outsider had first come to the Pride Lands, he had asked for judgment. He then told her that she could not last three days on her own. As they reached the cave, they remembered that Kovu was not allowed inside. Kiara was surprised and told Kovu that she used to do it all the time with her father, who had told her that the Great Kings of the Past looked down on them from the stars. Al morir Scar, Nuka y su familia son exiliados de las Tierras del Reino. Retrieved on November 4, He stopped, puzzled, and asked what she was doing. He had brown fur, with a paler muzzle, paws, and underbelly. Once Kovu realized what his mother was doing, he questioned Zira as to what was going on and wondered why they could not be friends with Kion.
I consider, that you commit an error. I can prove it.
Certainly. It was and with me. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.