king of fighters mai sexy

King of fighters mai sexy

Mai learned the secrets of Ninjitsu from her father and from her grandfather's old friend, Jubei Yamada.

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King of fighters mai sexy

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This size data in the clothes laid flat under the manual measurement obtained, due to different measurement methods, the error within cm is normal.


I also thought that picking the 10 hottest King of Fighters female characters would be easy. But here we go again anyway. Shermie is almost unique in that she is tied with fellow fighter, Angel, for the largest mammaries in KOF history. Despite being top heavy, Shermie is powerful, yet agile, and is so confident in her own abilities, she often pauses to take cell calls while fighting. Utilising a whole bunch of grabs and Japanese wrestling submission moves, and a wired-to-the-moon backstory, Shermie initially comes across as shallow and materialistic because basically, she is.

King of fighters mai sexy

The Shiranui-style Ninjutsu successor herself! Mai was originally not planned to be included in Fatal Fury 2 at all, as her fighting style was created for a different male ninja. When developers shifted their focus to include an idol character in the series, they decided to scrap the Shiranui man for Mai. Her characteristic "bounce" was loosely modified from a kunoichi female ninja method of assassination: to be sensual to their unassuming prey before they strike.

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Mai learned the secrets of Ninjitsu from her father and from her grandfather's old friend, Jubei Yamada.

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