Kijiji canada sailboat

Results for "sail boats". Your listing deserves to be on top.

Results for "sailboats for sale". Canadian Sail craft CS 30 for sale Commissioned spring New dodger, bimini, stack pack and custom winter cover. April Survey. Cl 16 sailboat -excellent condition main and furling genoa fully rigged. Laser for saleā€¦. Sailboat offered for sale , reasonable offers will be considered.

Kijiji canada sailboat

Your listing deserves to be on top. Learn more. Glass over cedar. Aluminum mast, wood boom and gaff. Come with a trailer. Perfect for a weekend getaway This boat is in excellent condition and has been a dream boat for us for 7 years. Includes 2 main sails, 3 genoas, Has been on the hard for about 7 years now. Its a bit of a project and needs some TLC.

It has a full workshop, water maker, large jaccuzzi tub and Needs some sprucing up but seaworthy.

Your listing deserves to be on top. Learn more. This boat is in excellent condition and has been a dream boat for us for 7 years. Includes 2 main sails, 3 genoas, Has been on the hard for about 7 years now. Its a bit of a project and needs some TLC. Very solidly

Results for "sailboats". Your listing deserves to be on top. Learn more. Comes with the trailer and marina spot in Chateauguay - access to St-Lawrence! ThunderCraft Sport 28 feet with an extended deck in the back in exceptional condition for sale! Spacious interior with a

Kijiji canada sailboat

Your listing deserves to be on top. Learn more. Glass over cedar. Aluminum mast, wood boom and gaff. Come with a trailer. Perfect for a weekend getaway This boat is in excellent condition and has been a dream boat for us for 7 years. Includes 2 main sails, 3 genoas, As is No holes in hull everything solid Know nothing about this boat Need gone.

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Cl 16 sailboat -excellent condition main and furling genoa fully rigged. I now own another boat so she needs to go. Tempest Marine. Parry Sound. Has been on the hard for about 7 years now. Ford in a complete set sails, tiller, mast support for transportation, sail cover. Cradle included. She is truly a sailors sailboat! Includes all rigging and a reliable Atomic Cruisers Yachts. Comes with a trailer, Boat Hand Dolly, and a custom-fitted boat cover for added

Results for "sailboats". Your listing deserves to be on top. Learn more.

Results 1 - 40 of Excellent condition. Four Winns. Baja Boats. Sylvan Ind. Fountain Powerboats. Trailer lights have been rewired. Italy Cross. Stratos Boat Co. Go to page 1 Go to page 2 Next. Offer type Offering. Bennington Marine. Please Contact. Aluminum mast, wood boom and gaff.

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