kelli folsom

Kelli folsom

No more confusion about still life composition or how to light your setup, kelli folsom. Capture the power of light and shadow, create form and the illusion of depth. Discover kelli folsom handling and mixing techniques that will make your painting come alive.

I hope that you see the beauty that I see and experience the excitement that I feel through every energetic brushstroke. I hope that my paintings open you up to a whole new appreciation for your world. Kelli received a B. It is here that she studied traditional life drawing, painting and sculpture with great emphasis on in-depth study and classical techniques and the joy of working in a direct impressionist style in nature. Every still life arrangement is set up in her north light studio and painted directly from life in a matter of one or two sittings. She paints directly so that her relationship to the subject is heightened in the moment in order to pass on that perception and experience to the viewer resulting in a painting that looks like a painting and not a photograph.

Kelli folsom


Tell me more! Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. They conducted an exciting and successful Oil Painting Workshop in July of at the inspiring and stunningly located Inn — Genius Loci Umbria — and, by popular demand, kelli folsom, kelli folsom returning to Umbria to Genius Loci in November for their 2nd Workshop during the riotously beautiful, peak foliage season.


By Molly Evans. The sky was cut in half, Oklahoma City artist Kelli Folsom remembers. One half was a brilliant hot pink, and the other was the dark blue-gray hue of an approaching thunderstorm. Being mid-May, the storm was moving quickly, and Folsom was already running late that morning. For several days in a row, she had been waking up 15 to 30 minutes before dawn to find a different location near her home in northwest OKC and paint the sunrise from that perspective. She had to fight the urge to go back to sleep after the fifth or sixth day of painting. You see the whole rest of the day with new eyes.

Kelli folsom

Kelli Folsom is an emerging artist specializing in dramatic light and shadow still life painting. Since graduating from art school with her B. Her work has been exhibited in many museum shows, represented by several galleries, and is in numerous private collections across the country. She loves capturing the many different textures, patinas and surface qualities that can be found in still life. She feels there is no better way to get this lifelike quality into the work than by working directly from nature. She enjoys taking a great deal of time to set up the still lifes in her studio finding objects that work well together and create a visual story.

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Kelli is a great motivator - she always finds the right words for support and inspiration. I am so grateful I found Kelli. Dark on light, yellow on red. Her lessons focus on a particular concept or still life and are perfect in length, full of content in a concise timeframe. These arrangements are influenced by centuries of traditional still life painting from the Dutch Masters of the s to French Academics of the s. October 2 - 6, Kelli teaching and demonstrating at Genius Loci Umbria, Italy. Maria Strouthou. Juliana Gilbride. Lessons are short and fit into a busy life meaning time to paint doesn't get pushed aside. Vickie Benton. Even though I had many years of painting under my belt before discovering her, there are so many things I have learned from her lessons and her engaging teaching style. From his studio in Colorado, Monte works in the painting tradition of Caravaggio where he creates a harmony between chiaroscuro and modern concepts. Become an Art Life Student.

Kelli Folsom is an academically trained artist working exclusively from life in oils.

Kelli received a B. She encourages and celebrates growth in all while also building and promoting an artist community rich in camaraderie. Monte teaching and demonstrating his techniques at Genius Loci Umbria. I have taken some other artists online classes and have been unhappy with the way they 'withhold' information like giving you the color or color mixture leaving you guessing how they came up with that particular color. Buy the eBook. Become a Member today and get. Kelli chooses objects and arrangements to create the most aesthetically beautiful design and a feeling of abundance and intimacy. For oil painters new and old No more confusion about still life composition or how to light your setup. She helped to take my art to the next level in no time. She knows exactly what is needed for a student in order to succeed. These arrangements are influenced by centuries of traditional still life painting from the Dutch Masters of the s to French Academics of the s. Even though I had many years of painting under my belt before discovering her, there are so many things I have learned from her lessons and her engaging teaching style.

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