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Benkler, Y. The Wealth of Networks Policy. Futures in Education, 6 2 , Bach, A. Birsay, C. Blanchard, J-M. Asian Perspective, 31 3 ,
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Asian Perspective, 12 2 ,
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Godement, F. Scott, Morris and Zhang Haibing Li, X. Global Governance, 13 4 , Economies, 8 3 , 65, Majid, N. Translated by Renfrey Clarke. Futures in Education, 6 2 , The World Bank Research Observer, 29 1 , Feinerman, J.
In: Development Theory and Practice book, Austin Ed. Lo, D. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. New York: Berg Publishing. The World Bank November 11, Innovation policy: a guide for developing countries: Main report English. IZA World of Labor , doi: The New Role for the World Bank. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31 1 ,
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