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Connect your Spotify account to your Last. Connect to Spotify. A new version of Last. Do you know any background info about this album?
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Kamüran akkor dinle
Saturday 6 January
Connect your Spotify account to your Last. Connect to Spotify. Do you know a YouTube video for this track? Add a video. Do you know any background info about this track? Start the wiki.
Kamüran akkor dinle
Cok basarili bir etnik funk jazz. Ne yazik ki bir orhan gencebay parcasi :. Kaybettimmm seni sevgilim Bumu yaniii Harika bir ses.. Ilk ben Turkan sultanin dert bende. Adam yasal 65 milyon yasal olmuyanlarla beraber milyon kaset traji var dunya satis listesinden bir orhan gencebay var turkiyeden fazla bestesi var universtelerde tezzlere konu olmus muzikler yapmis essegin biri cikmis olmuyan arastirmiyan dunyadan bi haber sirf elestirmek icin salakca yazmis orhan soylememismis sen hangi ulkede degil hangi dunyada yasiyon bu dunyali olamazsin cunki. Kamuran Akkor - Kabahat Seni Sevende.
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Tuesday 21 November Friday 1 September Saturday 3 February Monday 19 February Thursday 14 September Learn more. Listen to this playlist and more than million songs with our unlimited streaming plans. Saturday 4 November Enjoy this album on Qobuz apps with your subscription Subscribe. Wednesday 1 November Sunday 21 January
Upgrade Now. Monday 18 December Wednesday 4 October Tuesday 19 December Saturday 16 September Saturday 21 October Thursday 2 November Enjoy this album on Qobuz apps with your subscription Listen. Loading player…. Sunday 19 November Unlimited Streaming Listen to this album in high quality now on our apps Start my trial period and start listening to this album.
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