K6 note antutu
Lenovo K6 Note. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of Lenovo K6 Note and see which phone would be best for you.
Each benchmark score shown on this page is the median of all the results submitted by users for this device. For popular models, the median scores are calculated from thousands of benchmark results. Some people test their device under less than ideal conditions. For example, the device may be too hot or have other apps running in the background. These results tend to lower the average score, but we include them in the calculation because it provides a better indication of real-world performance.
K6 note antutu
Kult Impulse. Gionee Marathon M5 Plus.
Lenovo Android. The Lenovo K6 Note is positioned well into the budget realm. Not many internationally known, trusted brands have strong offers in this segment. Competition from the likes of Xiaomi or Meizu or LeEco are fierce to say the least. Even Motorola, with its legendary Moto G value line, is more expensive. However, in , that is no longer a criticism in itself. Value is simply China's game and there is a lot of it to be had from the Lenovo K6 Note. The point we are trying to drive across here is that when shopping on a shoestring budget, factors like proper localized services, support and subsidized carrier deals might end up playing a way bigger role in the purchase decision than usual. The Lenovo K6 Note offers a straight-forward, no-frills experience. The device is well built and doesn't rely on any flashy aspects or gimmicks to sell.
K6 note antutu
Similar in technical data phones with Lenovo K6 Note. Overall score. Review phone Lenovo K6 Note, specifications, benchmarks. Lenovo K6 Note review.
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Vivo Y What are some alternatives to Lenovo K6 Note? Popularity 0. Each benchmark score shown on this page is the median of all the results submitted by users for this device. Samsung Galaxy J7 Core. Lenovo K6 Note. For popular models, the median scores are calculated from thousands of benchmark results. You may get a higher score when testing your own device under optimal conditions. As a result, the range of battery life scores submitted by the public is much wider than that seen when testing under controlled conditions. Check Antutu Score of Smartron tPhone. Check Antutu Score of Vivo Y
Lenovo K6 Note. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of Lenovo K6 Note and see which phone would be best for you.
InFocus Vision 3. Kult Impulse. You can compare its performance with other alternatives of Lenovo K6 Note and see which phone would be best for you. Check out the table below for more details:. PCMark for Android Storage 2. Lenovo Mobiles. Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro. Some people test their device under less than ideal conditions. For example, the device may be too hot or have other apps running in the background. Oppo A57 Realme C Check Antutu Score of Kult Impulse. PCMark for Android Work 3. As a result, the range of battery life scores submitted by the public is much wider than that seen when testing under controlled conditions.
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