

Naruto is an action shonen anime whose protagonist Naruto Uzumaki, is a classic "half-other" character. He jinchūriki a jinchuriki, meaning a monstrous tailed beast was sealed inside him with advanced jutsu at the moment of his birth, jinchūriki.

In the world of Naruto , few creatures are more fearsome than tailed beasts and their jinchuriki. While different clans hold high esteem and unique abilities, Naruto's jinchuriki are on another level. After all, they are bonded with ancient monsters. Despite Naruto being a jinchuriki himself, fans were in the dark about the creatures and their purpose for quite a while. It isn't until Naruto: Shippuden where viewers learn more about these mysterious beasts and their hosts.


No recent wiki edits to this page. It first appeared in Naruto Volume 1, CH. He was an old monk who was kept in prison and under constant guard while Shukaku was sealed within him. He actually held a close friendship with Shukaku and had his respect. Gaara is the son of the Fourth Kazekage , and he was a newborn infant when Shukaku was sealed within him. Though the village tried to kill him as he was seen as unstable, he was always protected by the sand. She was captured by Hidan and Kakuzu of the Akatsuki. Removing Matatabi from her killed Yugito. She sacrificed her life to stop their plan. Isobu was recaptured and sealed within Yagura. At which point, he was defeated and killed by the Akatsuki.

Yagura's sheer strength and control over jinchūriki beast made him into a full-blown Kage before he reached adulthood. She was an outgoing butterfly, hyperactive to explore the world, jinchūriki.

Here are all of the Tailed Beasts in Naruto , as well as the Jinchuriki who carry them. The world of Naruto is full of flashy chakra blasts and monstrous summons, but one of Masashi Kishimoto's more inventive concepts are the Bijuu, or Tailed Beasts. Over the years, Naruto and Boruto 's Tailed Beast differences have become more apparent, as the latter has changed how Tailed Beasts work, including their effects on their respective Jinchuriki. As a result, the question there has been widespread discussion about whether Boruto changed Tailed Beasts in the Naruto canon. Notably, these creatures originated from the chakra tree of the villainous Otsutsuki clan , which transformed into the incredibly powerful ten-tailed monster.

They are considered priceless assets by the Hidden Villages , as each possesses enormous levels of power and Chakra. They would often be treated as nothing more than military assets, and the Beast inside them and its destructive potential meant that they were often treated as wretches by society. For this latter reason, the sealing of the creature inside its vessel usually occurs early on in their lives, either shortly after their birth or during their childhood. The beast will usually wait for the vessel's moment of greatest weakness to try and break away from them, for example during childbirth for female Shinobi , sometimes even requiring external support to keep the seal stable and return it to its prime condition afterwards. However, those with especially powerful life force are able to survive the extraction and can survive if immediate medical treatment is administered. Each Jinchuriki possesses its own unique abilities, often new and exclusive applications of an already existing Nature Transformation or even a Kekkei Genkai associated with their Tailed Beast itself.


It was last sealed within Utakata of Kirigakure. Some time after being created, the Sage explained to the young tailed beasts that a link existed between them despite their separation. He also foretold of a day when they would be brought together again - though not as they were - and that at that time someone would emerge to show them what true power is. During the First Shinobi World War , Hashirama Senju captured eight of the tailed beasts and sold Saiken and Isobu to Kirigakure at the Five Kage Summit , as a sign of friendship and to ensure a balance of power amongst their new villages. The tailed beast would end up being sealed within Utakata decades later. In the anime, Harusame tried and failed to remove Saiken from within his student, intending to save his Utakata from being a living weapon for their village. Utakata, however, having not heard what his master had said to him, later came under the assumption after the incident that his master had tried to kill him. This failed removal resulted in Utakata transforming into Saiken and killing Harusame.


Bee's training was so harsh that he managed to gain complete control of his beast and become a perfect jinchuriki. Stealing the beast from Obito, Madara becomes a jinchuriki like none had ever seen before. She was captured by Hidan and Kakuzu of the Akatsuki. Killer B is also one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in Naruto , whether drawing on his tailed-beast or not. Like the Otsutsuki, the exact origin of the Ten-Tails is unknown. Despite his headstrong nature, he deserved a nobler end. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. By the time of the formation of the shinobi villages, Hashirama Senju , the First Hokage , used his Wood Release kekkei genkai to capture and give several tailed beasts to the other shinobi villages as peace treaties, in order to stabilise the balance of power between them. Hagoromo Otsutsuki is arguably the strongest character in the entire Naruto series. Shukaku is most closely affiliated with the Hidden Sand village, and his first known Jinchuriki was the priest Bunpuku.

Some time after being created, the Sage explained to the young tailed beasts that a link existed between them despite their separation.

Isshiki survived in the body of a human monk called Jigen, plotting his revenge and founding the villainous organization known as Kara. Though it devastated him, Rin decided Kakashi had to end her life instead of risking Konoha. Of course, he'd be legendary, jichuriki or not. Even without the Nine-Tails, Minato was already one of the most powerful characters to ever live and one of the fastest Leaf ninas of all time , which is evident from the fact that he was the 4th Hokage of Leaf Village. While Gaara is inhabited by the one-tailed spirit, Shukaku, their bond is only dangerous when Gaara is unstable. The Seventh Hokage literally burns through his Bijuu's chakra to defeat Isshiki Otsutsuki, not realizing that doing so would actually kill the Nine-Tails forever. That doesn't discount his indomitably strong spirit, though. Aware of the plot, Rin sacrificed herself so she wouldn't hurt the people she loved. Despite valiant attempts to protect Kushina during her labor, Obito extracted Kurama and wreaked havoc on the Hidden Leaf. When Minato was reanimated during the 4th Great Ninja War, he had already mastered the Nine-Tails, and hence became a perfect jinchuriki. Wiki Content. Where Konoha guided Naruto towards purpose and protection, the Kazekage turned Gaara towards violence and ruthlessness. Before Bunpuku could even say the word jinchuriki in Naruto , he was made into one.

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