Jhin op.gg
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Jhin op.gg
He's squishy and does low damage.
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Jhin op.gg
This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. If you're not taking cleanse you should've. Any support that can immobilize you is a champion that can shut down Jhin. She's going to want to shove into your lane so be sure to use your Q liberally and keep the wave on your side but not to the point that it shoves to your turret. I'd say you out scale her but you need to make sure that you don't give any early leads.
Stellaris influence
One thing that usually works is if you rotate mid or top and tell them to bait a fight or bait the enemy laner and setup a juicy gank with your W Deadly Flourish and R Curtain Call. Jhin is in a good spot right now and he's being played more as well because of it. This item will delete them but only when you have a lot of AD so buy this late game. You mostly want to chill until he gets a good engage with W Grand Entrance or until he gets his ultimate. Do not engage in long trades or fights unless she gets cc'd and you can burst her down. It's a good buy if the enemy has magic damage comps. Nullifying Orb. When you take damage from trading make sure to wait for Nami to heal you with W Ebb and Flow so you're at full HP when you eventually do all-in. I've seen a lot of people get themselves in bad positions because they assumed they would get a Black Shield. You want to gain lane control and deny her the ability to shove you in and spam traps. It gives you 55 AD and health so the stats are pretty good too. While Twitch can try to engage or start a trade by being sneaky. Bully him hard in the laning phase.
Learn more about Jhin's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Jhin we've got you covered.
You don't have to finish Mercurial Scimitar first if you still need other more important items. Sometimes, it's going to hit you no matter what OR you want to run straight into them and need to remove the CC to kill them fast. Playing overly safe leads to lowered and less favorable DPS. You must find a good balance. Kai'Sa is officially Vayne 2. Take the enemy bot tower and if you've already done so then spend your gold and get out of botlane! If she has an engage support then she can press R Fate's Call to engage freely onto you. Play it slow as always and try to make sure you're not in range for her to combo you. In addition to this, it grants a shield if you overheal. Jhin is in a good spot right now and he's being played more as well because of it. Kite towards her essentially. And if he only uses his E then you can pretty much kill him for that as he will not deal enough damage with a single E.
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