

The Journal of Graduate Medical Education disseminates scholarship and promotes critical inquiry to inform and jgme the graduate medical education community. It is open access, jgme, peer-reviewed, editorially independent, and published by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. JGME is jgme current residents or fellows for open resident editor positions on its Editorial Board, jgme. Each episode dives into current research and trends in graduate medical education or expert advice for getting published.

Critical, systematic inquiry is a manuscript cornerstone with:. Published 6 times a year February, April, June, August, October, and December with occasional theme-based supplements, JGME is an open access journal, that does not charge authors for submissions or publication. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ACGME is a private, not-for-profit, separately incorporated non-governmental organization responsible for the accreditation of graduate medical education GME programs and sponsoring institutions in the United States of America, its territories, and possessions. The ACGME's mission is to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education. Statements or opinions expressed in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education reflect the views of the author s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education unless this is clearly specified. Sign In or Create an Account. Search Dropdown Menu.


Residents or fellows who wish to learn about and participate in the manuscript submission to final decision process for JGME up to 4 positions available. Residents or fellows who want to participate in the visual abstract program, for accepted JGME articles up to 3 positions available. Applicants are eligible from any specialty or subspecialty and will join a diverse editorial board, from a wide range of specialties and institutions. Qualified candidates should have :. Ideally, candidates will have 2 or more years remaining in their training. The appointment would begin immediately after selecting qualified candidates. Applying :. Candidates should email their CV and a brief letter of interest to jgme acgme. The deadline for receipt of nomination materials is Monday, March 11, Applicants are eligible from any specialty or subspecialty in graduate medical education programs, and through ACGME-I or any international post-medical school training program. Qualified candidates should have:. The JGME Editorial Board is made up of 38 graduate medical educators and researchers from a wide range of institutions and specialties.

Ideally, candidates will have 2 or more years remaining in their training, jgme. Single or multispecialty reports, and single- or multi-institutional reports jgme encouraged; single-specialty studies should be of interest and potentially applicable to other specialties.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The Journal of Graduate Medical Education 's JGME 's transformation over the past decade at times seems as dramatic as the emergence of an unrecognizable teenager from a small child. From submissions in to over submissions in , 10 inaugural to 35 current editors, and 4 to 6 issues per year, the journal has expanded in content and complexity. As we celebrate the journal's 10th year, we may derive insights from where we started, key events along the way, and our current status in the burgeoning world of medical education journals. GME institutions and training programs needed a venue in which to publish their work and learn about new approaches. ACGME leaders understood the importance of disseminating evidence that would support or refute new GME teaching and assessment strategies.

The Journal of Graduate Medical Education disseminates scholarship and promotes critical inquiry to inform and engage the graduate medical education community. It is open access, peer-reviewed, editorially independent, and published by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. JGME is seeking current residents or fellows for open resident editor positions on its Editorial Board. Each episode dives into current research and trends in graduate medical education or expert advice for getting published. JGME started making these graphic summaries that convey key findings for select articles in Check back with each issue to find more. Before submitting your manuscript, please carefully read these instructions for authors, and also review the Manuscript Checklist. This will enable JGME staff to process your manuscript quickly.


Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The Journal of Graduate Medical Education JGME is seeking novel graduate medical education GME interventions or assessments that have been implemented at least once and appear successful in preliminary evaluations. These interventions can be an innovation in curricula, teaching, assessment, quality and safety, program evaluation, supervision, faculty development, or other topics relevant to GME. If you have been looking for a way to turn your everyday work into a publication, but have lacked the time, the New Ideas submission process is simple—all that is needed is a brief abstract see below for details. Acceptance decisions will be communicated by Friday, January 20,

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Justice Justice is defined as eliminating practices and policies that have disparate impact on minority groups. Educational Innovation submissions must use the JGME structured format for abstract and manuscript content. JGME is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December and sent, at no cost, to 10, program directors and designated institutional officials in the United States. Each table should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals ie, Table 1, 2, etc. Critical, systematic inquiry is a manuscript cornerstone with:. All references must be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text, tables, or legends. Conclusions: Summary of key findings, with implications for GME practice, to include what was most or least effective, with given resources. In , the journal produced the first supplement, which comprised articles describing the development of and evidence supporting the first specialty milestones in the ACGME's Next Accreditation System. Please indicate in the cover letter that the submission is in response to the diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice call. The JGME Editorial Board is made up of 38 graduate medical educators and researchers from a wide range of institutions and specialties. Innovations that are novel, rather than identical approaches applied in a slightly different context, will be more successful submissions. Submissions by residents and other junior investigators are welcome and have been already published in the Journal. View This Issue. Sign In.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure.

As JGME grew, it became clear that we needed space for collections of special articles of strong interest to GME institutions and faculty. Gail M. These additional files will not be displayed in the print form of the article, but will be made available in the online version. The JGME Editorial Board is made up of 38 graduate medical educators and researchers from a wide range of institutions and specialties. Reviews will be assessed based on the suitability of the methods chosen for the questions posed and overall quality. Search Dropdown Menu. JGME does not publish papers focused primarily on undergraduate medical education or the education of other health professionals. Conclusions: Summary of key findings, with implications for GME practice, to include what was most or least effective, with given resources. Diversity 1 Diversity as a core value embodies inclusiveness, mutual respect, and multiple perspectives and serves as a catalyst for change resulting in health equity. Single or multispecialty reports, and single- or multi-institutional reports are encouraged; single-specialty studies should be of interest and potentially applicable to other specialties. Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript here. Artino, Jr , PhD. Background: Relevance to GME; gap in current knowledge or practice. Who are the Editorial Board members? The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ACGME is a private, not-for-profit, separately incorporated non-governmental organization responsible for the accreditation of graduate medical education GME programs and sponsoring institutions in the United States of America, its territories, and possessions.

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