jesus calling dec 10

Jesus calling dec 10

I'm in a 30 day recap for my treatment for alcohol at schick shadel hospital. Thank You Heavenly Father for loving us and never leaving us.

All things work together for good for those who love the Lord. Thank you for the time, energy and love you put into writing your blog. I cannot find peace and security on my own. My efforts are fruitless and separate me from you. Please bless me and my family today.

Jesus calling dec 10

I am beside you. A very human Jesus, who understands all your weaknesses, and sees too your struggles and conquests. Remember, I was the Companion of the Weak. Ready to supply their hunger. Teaching My followers their responsibility towards all, not only those near and dear to them, but to the multitude. But I taught that Divine Sympathy includes responsibility. I taught that pity, without a remedy for the evil, or the need, is worthless. Remember that in thinking of your own needs. Claim from Me the same attitude now. The servant is not above his Master, certainly not in Spiritual attainments, and what I taught My disciples, I do.

A day will come when Satan will see his final defeat. Lord, please help us all receive Your blessings upon us.


As a Sagittarius born on December 10th, you are sweet and supportive of those around but can also be very frank and sometimes harsh. Your life will often seem to be a balancing act between your responsibilities and your deepest desires and you will always try to have them both. With age, you will feel a lot more comfortable with yourself and your accomplishments. Prepare to read a comprehensive personality report below. The zodiac sign for December 10 is Sagittarius.

Jesus calling dec 10

All things work together for good for those who love the Lord. Thank you for the time, energy and love you put into writing your blog. I cannot find peace and security on my own. My efforts are fruitless and separate me from you.

World seeds

Get a hot cup of coffee and turn up the worship music while the power is still on and relax in His Presence. Be strong in this My Love. Draw nigh, not as a suppliant, but as a listener. Then when these little temptations, or big ones come, you will recognize them as planned by evil to thwart Me. As a Choir member for 34 years, I have sung that glorious song many times and it has always moved me. Help me to be trained by you God and accept whatever comes my way, even if it seems difficult to me. As I prepare for cancer surgery I want to put my life in order - and it seems impossible - but I need to just keep leaning and thanking the Lord for my trials. I press forward in continue prayers without ceasing, allowing my focus on You to follow naturally. You follow a despised Christ. He had a lump removed from his leg and the cut just keeps leaking. Thanks for all of your prayers. Caring for my Mateo and Jairo takes alot out of me some days like yesterday and today. Goodmorning and thank you for your kind uplifting words. Fear of the future — Jesus will be with us. Joining in prayers for Barry.

Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.

Awesome prayer for all because we are all covered by the Blood and nothing is too hard for our God. God is faithful, and His word will never return to Him without first accomplishing that for which it was sent, and in this case, it is to reassure us of God's faithfulness. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit wrap their loving arms around you like a shield. God gave me the strength to shift gears and we had a sweet conversation - the 3 of us - him, my hub and me. I praise. As a Choir member for 34 years, I have sung that glorious song many times and it has always moved me. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing hands and remove the affliction from his body. In Him all things are possible including forgiveness of this Man and the strength to Shepard your boys. God knew my need was met and I got to watch it play out. Keep your eyes open for His guiding light shining today in your warm comfort zone. It is My shadow as I stand between you and your foes. God is on the move in many mighty ways!

2 thoughts on “Jesus calling dec 10

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