jan brewerton

Jan brewerton

In its details, its memories and its rituals. Individual works begin as a close studies of everyday domestic objects — motifs arising in jan brewerton forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, fruit forms, patterns and natural materials, jan brewerton. As a painter, Jan is interested in the relationship between colour and pattern, surface texture, and the painterly development of layers or veils of pure pigment.

After many years in art education I now work full-time in my Shropshire studio. My work is exhibited nationally, mostly in group shows, and can be found in private collections in Europe, North America and throughout the UK. My work is grounded in domestic life and celebrates the poetry and significance of everyday details, rituals and memories, with titles invoking a human — occasionally humorous — presence. Individual works begin as close studies of workaday objects — motifs arising in the forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, flower and fruit forms, patterns and natural materials. In the process of composition these images break rules of scale, frame, perspective and Still Life genre within the picture plane. Having started out as a painter I now work in parallel as a printmaker, mostly with linocut relief printing, and enjoy the conversation between these two very different materials and processes, working almost always within a domestic frame. The formal precision and black-on-white discipline of the print practice contrasts markedly with the chromatic interests and diverse mark-making in my painting, and the hand-coloured prints are a hybrid departure.

Jan brewerton


Below please find a few sample postage costs. Having started out as a painter I now work in parallel as a printmaker, jan brewerton, mostly with linocut relief printing, and enjoy the conversation jan brewerton these two very different materials and processes, working almost always within a domestic frame.


In its details, its memories and its rituals. Individual works begin as a close studies of everyday domestic objects — motifs arising in the forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, fruit forms, patterns and natural materials. As a painter, Jan is interested in the relationship between colour and pattern, surface texture, and the painterly development of layers or veils of pure pigment. In a process of composition, her images break rules of scale and perspective and deal with the complex balance of figuration and abstraction achievable in the painted image. Currently our online shop supports processing shipments to the UK only but of course we ship worldwide. Please email your order and we will send a PayPal invoice. You can make a card payment even if you are not registered with PayPal. Below please find a few sample prices for courier shipments. Below please find a few sample postage costs. For UK orders please order through our online shop.

Jan brewerton

To begin with I wanted to begin my doing some simple visual studies that I could later develop. Using a photograph from a news article of the NHS building in Hanley for guidence I sketched out the building in pencil followed by pen and ink. For this visual study I really wanted to just make a basic line drawing with elements of pattern, this was because my main plan was to work inspired by an artist named Jan Brewerton whose screen prints are drawn in this style. Jan Brewerton is a Wolverhampton based artist who experiments with paint, sink screen printing, drawing and textiles. The area of her work that is most striking to me is her print work where she use of line and pattern to create screen prints of still life objects. There is always an absence of colour in these prints as she usually sticks to a monochrome colour pallet.

Breckenridge farmstay

In the process of composition these images break rules of scale, frame, perspective and Still Life genre within the picture plane. You can make a card payment even if you are not registered with PayPal. Individual works begin as close studies of workaday objects — motifs arising in the forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, flower and fruit forms, patterns and natural materials. In its details, its memories and its rituals. My work is exhibited nationally, mostly in group shows, and can be found in private collections in Europe, North America and throughout the UK. The formal precision and black-on-white discipline of the print practice contrasts markedly with the chromatic interests and diverse mark-making in my painting, and the hand-coloured prints are a hybrid departure. Currently our online shop supports processing shipments to the UK only but of course we ship worldwide. Individual works begin as a close studies of everyday domestic objects — motifs arising in the forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, fruit forms, patterns and natural materials. Cookies This site uses cookies: Find out more. Having started out as a painter I now work in parallel as a printmaker, mostly with linocut relief printing, and enjoy the conversation between these two very different materials and processes, working almost always within a domestic frame. My work is grounded in domestic life and celebrates the poetry and significance of everyday details, rituals and memories, with titles invoking a human — occasionally humorous — presence. In a process of composition, her images break rules of scale and perspective and deal with the complex balance of figuration and abstraction achievable in the painted image. Please email your order and we will send a PayPal invoice.

A member of the Republican Party , Brewer is the fourth woman and was the third consecutive woman to be Governor of Arizona. Brewer assumed the governorship as part of the line of succession , as determined by the Arizona Constitution , when Governor Janet Napolitano resigned to become U.

In the process of composition these images break rules of scale, frame, perspective and Still Life genre within the picture plane. Email janbrewerton60 gmail. Please email your order and we will send a PayPal invoice. Cookies This site uses cookies: Find out more. Individual works begin as a close studies of everyday domestic objects — motifs arising in the forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, fruit forms, patterns and natural materials. Individual works begin as close studies of workaday objects — motifs arising in the forms of vessels, artefacts, implements, textiles, flower and fruit forms, patterns and natural materials. In its details, its memories and its rituals. My work is grounded in domestic life and celebrates the poetry and significance of everyday details, rituals and memories, with titles invoking a human — occasionally humorous — presence. Okay, thanks. Jan Brewerton. Below please find a few sample postage costs. Currently our online shop supports processing shipments to the UK only but of course we ship worldwide. Below please find a few sample prices for courier shipments. In a process of composition, her images break rules of scale and perspective and deal with the complex balance of figuration and abstraction achievable in the painted image. For UK orders please order through our online shop.

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