is linda eastenders pregnant

Is linda eastenders pregnant

No fake bumps this time for Kellie Bright, the actress who plays Linda Carter on the BBC soap, who's tweeted she's having her second child. Kellie's real life joy is a sharp contrast to the pregnancy and baby dramas that Linda has suffered as mum and landlady of the Queen Vic. After a paternity test revealed the father engadget website her baby Ollie was indeed her husband and not Dean, the man who'd raped her, is linda eastenders pregnant, the couple faced more trauma is linda eastenders pregnant their son was rushed to hospital after he stopped breathing. They're now unsure whether he may have suffered permanent brain damage.

Kellie Bright's on-screen character on EastEnders, Linda Carter, has had a rough time of it lately, but off-screen the actress has been enjoying life with her actor hubby and their three kids. Her character has endured a difficult start to the year with those closest to her in Walford trying to help her through it. She has since spent her time trying to move forward with her life, but she's set to relive her trauma with Janine Butcher Charlie Brooks ready to decide on her plea. To make matters worse, she has been left heartbroken after overhearing a drunken revelation from Alfie Moon Shane Richie. All of this comes months after Linda, who entered the London soap in , was seriously injured in a dramatic car crash.

Is linda eastenders pregnant

Linda Carter will embark on a whole new chapter of her life, while Zack Hudson receives a blast from the past, which leads to a shock discovery. Who is Linda Carter without Mick by her side? Can she rebuild her life and create a new one? Linda is a tough cookie. I am quite excited about what is going to happen next. The dad-to-be is blown away by the shock arrival of an old acquaintance, named Brett. The couple are, once more, at odds with one another, and this only intensifies as the weeks progress. Denise, meanwhile, will find herself with an admirer, as someone sets their sights on her. The person in question is none other than Ravi, who bonds with Denise in upcoming scenes over the perils of parenting. He lends her a shoulder to cry on, and one thing leads to another, as Ravi goes in for a kiss. Stacey has yet to tell Martin the truth; but when she does, will he feel betrayed that he was left out of the loop for so long? Lola Pearce was completely blown away when Jay got down on one knee and popped the question on Christmas Day, but despite her initially turning him down, the hairdresser ultimately said yes! But will everything go to plan?

Lydia Bright. Mick later met up with Linda in the park and she told Mick: "This past month, you haven't laid your hands on my bump once. We take a closer look at the innovation gel blaster and suggest some fun ways to put it to good use, from team games to target practice, is linda eastenders pregnant.

We have more newsletters. For ten whole years, Kellie Bright has been delighting audiences with her portrayal of Linda Carter in EastEnders , with her decade long stint on the show having the seen the character embroiled in numerous dramatic storylines over the years. Among some of her most iconic storylines to date, fans have seen the character come to terms with her rape at the hands of her brother-in-law Dean Wicks, battle with alcoholism, deliver a premature baby and of course, lose the love of her life Mick Carter in a devastating car accident last Christmas. It was while studying here from the age of 11 onwards, that Kelly became friends with two very famous celebrities, including Bodyguard and Line of Duty star Keeley Hawes, as well as former Baby Spice, Emma Bunton! After her child starlet beginnings, Kellie truly came into her own with a number of high profile primetime roles, including a series regular role in ITV prison drama Bad Girls. The Carter family were the brain child of the show's executive producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins who planned to completely revamp the show with the introduction of a new family.

The couple already share two sons Freddy, nine, and Gene, four. The delighted actress shared the happy news today, telling OK! The mum-of-three then turned to IVF treatment after she and Paul struggled to conceive for a second time. Kellie went on to store three extra embryos in case the couple wanted to use them later to add to their family again. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info. After experiencing difficulties, Kellie said she and Paul felt lucky to have had the chance to become parents again.

Is linda eastenders pregnant

EastEnders favourite Linda Carter Kellie Bright is forced to admit she might be pregnant in upcoming scenes. Mick Danny Dyer , desperate to prevent further conflict, warns Linda that her penchant for interfering is simply making things worse! His efforts to diffuse the situation prove successful, and Nancy at last cuts her mum and Frankie Lewis Rose Ayling-Ellis — who has similarly been concerned about her sister — some slack. The doctor, having seen that Linda is not feeling so good, agrees to to check her out just to be on the safe side. Join the community by leaving a comment below and stay updated on all things soaps at our homepage. Privacy Policy. Your weekly tarot horoscope reading for March 10 to March The Soaps Newsletter. Share this article via whatsapp Share this article via twitter Copy link Share this article via facebook Share this with Share this article via messenger Share this article via email Share this article via sms Share this article via flipboard. Get us in your feed Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter.

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He is best known for his role on Atonement. The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now. Facebook Twitter. In scenes on Tuesday's episodes, however, some drama goes down for the landlady of the Queen Vic pub. The pub then toasted the happy news as Linda stared at Mick with a smile as the doof-doof sounded. The actress, who plays Linda Carter on the BBC soap, had two embryos implanted before she fell pregnant with the third. Get a daily email direct to your inbox with our newsletter. King Charles' secret to staying strong amid cancer treatment revealed by royal photographer. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Denise, meanwhile, will find herself with an admirer, as someone sets their sights on her.

Kellie Bright has revealed she is expecting her third child at 44 after she underwent IVF from a frozen embryo to conceive. Congratulations are in order, as EastEnders star Kellie Bright has announced she's pregnant again.

That storyline will run for a while, but Linda will then disappear from our screens at some point during her pregnancy. In the wake of a shocking Keeble showdown, where will everyone be left as the ramifications are felt far and wide? Despite evidently being head over heels in love with soulmate Alfie, however, she has resolved to wed Phil. We take a closer look at the innovation gel blaster and suggest some fun ways to put it to good use, from team games to target practice. They're now unsure whether he may have suffered permanent brain damage. Advertisement feature with Currys. Follow us on social. Get a daily email direct to your inbox with our newsletter. The dad-to-be is blown away by the shock arrival of an old acquaintance, named Brett. Story Saved. Among some of her most iconic storylines to date, fans have seen the character come to terms with her rape at the hands of her brother-in-law Dean Wicks, battle with alcoholism, deliver a premature baby and of course, lose the love of her life Mick Carter in a devastating car accident last Christmas. Don't miss out on the biggest soaps gossip! You haven't felt it kick. Gemma Atkinson.

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