Ios uiscrollview

This tutorial assumes you understand how to use Interface Builder to add objects and connect outlets between your code and storyboard scenes. Use the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial ios uiscrollview download the starter project, then open it in Xcode, ios uiscrollview. Continue using the iPhone 8 simulator for the rest of the tutorial. Open Main.

Since the introduction of Auto Layout to iOS, there is a new way you can configure your scrolling content. With Auto Layout, the amount of code you have to write is greatly reduced. One of the big pain points with the old way of setting up a UIScrollView was communicating the content size to the scroll view. It was fairly straightforward to calculate your content size if the content in the UIScrollView was an image. But it was not as easy if your scroll view included a mixed bag of buttons, labels, custom views, and text fields.

Ios uiscrollview

UIScrollView has gone through some major improvements. Starting with iOS 11, Apple introduced content and frame layout guides to make it a little less confusing to configure the content inside of your scroll view. Xcode 11 also added these layout guides to interface builder. I will also show you how the scroll view can move your content out of the way of the pop-up keyboard. Are you working on a project that cannot target iOS 11 yet? No worries. I want to give you a sense of what we are building, so you can follow along and see how the view is constructed. I created a view with some labels, text fields, and an image. If you want to see the finished project, I put the entire project on GitHub. Here is what it should look like in portrait and landscape:. For demo purposes, I colored the scroll view with a yellow background and the content inside with a blue background.

Thanks a million. AwwYisss says:.

Scroll views have two main purposes:. Scroll views are created as any other view is, either programmatically or in Interface Builder. After that, only a small amount of additional configuration is required to achieve basic scrolling capabilities. A scroll view is created and inserted into a controller or view hierarchy like any other view. There are only two additional steps required to complete the scroll view configuration:. You can optionally configure any visual cues your application requires like vertical and horizontal scroll indicators, drag bouncing, zoom bouncing, and directional constraint of scrolling.

This project is a self-contained example done completely in the Interface Builder. You should be able to work through it in 10 minutes or less. Then you can apply the concepts you learned to your own project. Here I just use UIView s but they can represent whatever view you like ie, button, label, etc. I also chose horizontal scrolling because the storyboard screenshots are more compact for this format. The principles are the same for vertical scrolling, though. In this example, we will make a horizontal scroll view. Make the width 1, and the height This just gives us the room on the storyboard to add content that will scroll.

Ios uiscrollview

This tutorial assumes you understand how to use Interface Builder to add objects and connect outlets between your code and storyboard scenes. Use the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial to download the starter project, then open it in Xcode. Continue using the iPhone 8 simulator for the rest of the tutorial.

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Sub views within the scrollview will resize if you have them pinned to the scrollview and also add in a horizontal central alignment constraint on the subview of the scrollview. Set it as the initial view controller by either dragging the Storyboard Entry Point arrow from the other view controller, or by selecting the new view controller and checking the Is Initial View Controller checkbox in the Attributes Inspector. You can unregister from these notifications in the deinit function. If you set it to false or uncheck on the storyboard it will look right. Best regards Peter. Mark Reid says:. November 19, The scroll view allows us to scroll the content into view. Usually you only want your content to scroll in one direction. January 15, There are only two additional steps required to complete the scroll view configuration:. FlexibleHeight so that it readjusts its size when the device is rotated. I created a view with some labels, text fields, and an image.

UIScrollView has gone through some major improvements. Starting with iOS 11, Apple introduced content and frame layout guides to make it a little less confusing to configure the content inside of your scroll view.

Does the constraint reference something from outside the subtree of the view? To zoom out in successive amounts, Maps uses a two-finger touch, with the fingers close together, to zoom out in stages. XCODE is a joke. Matt Durgavich says:. Our next step is to use the new layout guides to constrain our content view inside of the scroll view and tell the scroll view how big our content is. It wants them to be the same. FlexibleHeight so that it readjusts its size when the device is rotated. How it can be done? Pat yourself on the back, then build and run your project! Use it to set the width of your content if you are scrolling vertically , or use it to set the height if scrolling horizontally. Marius le Roux says:. Thanks for the post. This is what the frame layout guide is for. August 16, Callebe says:.

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