Intouch sermon today
Get inspired to become a more intouch sermon today member of your church to maintain a growing relationship with Christ. Take time to recall stories of God's faithfulness and share them with the people in your life. Today on Radio. Also on TV this Week.
Stanley talks about the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all things. There is no one like Him, and all things submit to His sovereignty. There is no one more trustworthy. But the only creature on earth to rebel against Him is the one to which He gave a free will—mankind. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord.
Intouch sermon today
This Week on TV. Get inspired to become a more active member of your church to maintain a growing relationship with Christ. Also on TV this Week. Learn the importance of having relationships with others and with Christ. Sermon Series. Stanley shares stories from his own life about learning to wait for God—and explains how you can do the same. Stanley has lived by the godly, biblical principles he learned from his grandfather throughout his life. And, he has taught them regularly during his more than 50 years of ministry so that others could become mature followers of Christ. Faith Story. A man in prison pleads with God for his release.
May 28,
Sermon Series. Stanley has lived by the godly, biblical principles he learned from his grandfather throughout his life. And, he has taught them regularly during his more than 50 years of ministry so that others could become mature followers of Christ. Stanley shares stories from his own life about learning to wait for God—and explains how you can do the same. TV Sermon. Watch Now. We learn more in our valley experiences than on our mountaintops.
Overcome fear by trusting God to keep His promises to you. January 6, From this story, we can learn why trusting God is always the best option. Therefore, we decide on our own to make a course correction, thinking that we have obviously gone the wrong way. One of the reasons we change routes and disobey God is because our faith gives way to fear. Abraham originally called Abram is an example of someone whose faith gave way to fear. In faith and obedience, Abraham left his home and traveled to Canaan. After arriving, he built altars to worship the Lord and pitched his tent there vv.
Intouch sermon today
It's always best to make a conscious effort to follow God. Charles F. Stanley March 18,
A few a little konu anlatımı
Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees. Acting in obedience toward God always leads to great blessings. Life Principle Holding Too Tightly. Stanley has lived by the godly, biblical principles he learned from his grandfather throughout his life. Listening to God is essential to walking with God. Based on John , this message explains that God measures our love for Himself by our obedience. And, he has taught them regularly during his more than 50 years of ministry so that others could become mature followers of Christ. Christ Above All March 16, The Letter A man in prison pleads with God for his release. Take time to recall stories of God's faithfulness and share them with the people in your life. God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable. Faith Story. Fulfillment of the Empty Life Dr.
This Week on TV. Put the burden of your responsibilities into God's capable hands. Also on TV this Week.
When We Feel Burned Out. Life Principles to Live By Dr. TV Sermon. Get inspired to become a more active member of your church to maintain a growing relationship with Christ. In this message, Dr. Faith Story. Also on TV this Week. We stand tallest and strongest on our knees. What Is Involved - Part 2. Life Principle God Acts on our Behalf. Thinking Through Your Friendships. Fulfillment of the Empty Life Dr. To live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us.
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Aha, so too it seemed to me.
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