impossible quiz 32

Impossible quiz 32

Our social network to share and curate open educational resources. Courses and programs to develop your skills as a Moodle educator, administrator, impossible quiz 32, designer or developer. Moodle Academy.

Społeczność Quiz tele Przykłady z naszej społeczności. Quiz Teleturniej autor: Petrjajevaa. Ativ 3 - O nome das coisas Teleturniej autor: Bmercez. Bohaterowie bajek Posortuj autor: Marlenamaciejewska. Klasa 1 Klasa 2 quiz. Quiz : Test autor: Sauliteelizabet.

Impossible quiz 32


Klasa 1 Klasa 2 Polska quiz. Quiz : Test autor: Sauliteelizabet.


Question 32 of the Impossible Quiz Book contains a well-known riddle: "What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years? The four options you're given are "Someone farts", "Chris licks his anus", "Swine flu" and "Haemorrhoids". None of these options are correct, quite obviously. In fact, the question itself won't make sense to you unless you know it's a riddle, and the bomb is there to make it harder for you to think of a sensible answer. The answer to this riddle is "M", since there is a single "M" in the word "minute", two in the word "moment" and none in "a thousand years". But none of the options contain the correct answer.

Impossible quiz 32

We're trying to get some mobile games up and running, but unfortunately our flash games don't work on phone or tablet. How about some hilarious science jokes instead? There are some quizzes out there that are easy. There are even some that are hard. And then there are those where every single question is a riddle, trick question, brain-teaser—or, well, you'll find out.

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2 thoughts on “Impossible quiz 32

  1. The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

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