Imdb girls5eva

Girls5eva struggle to make a first move; Scott deals with a package Wickie sent from Los Angeles. Sign In Sign In, imdb girls5eva.

Girls5eva rent a cabin upstate to focus; Gloria runs into her ex-wife Caroline and tries to rekindle the relationship. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music.

Imdb girls5eva

The members of Girls5eva, a late 90s girl group, reconnect after their big hit is sampled by an up-and-coming rapper, Lil Stinker. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music. Director Kat Coiro. Meredith Scardino Anna Drezen. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director Kat Coiro. Photos Add photo. Top cast Edit. Sara Bareilles Dawn Solano. Busy Philipps Summer Dutkowsky. Paula Pell Gloria McManus.

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Summer's parents urge her to stay chaste until she finds "The Two"; Dawn gets a little too close to Ray during a late night at the studio; Wickie dates a celebrity whom she cannot name due t Read all Summer's parents urge her to stay chaste until she finds "The Two"; Dawn gets a little too close to Ray during a late night at the studio; Wickie dates a celebrity whom she cannot name due to an NDA. Summer's parents urge her to stay chaste until she finds "The Two"; Dawn gets a little too close to Ray during a late night at the studio; Wickie dates a celebrity whom she cannot name due to an NDA. Connor : [about Summer, the statement which he masks in the form of a sneeze] Whore! Sign In Sign In.

A one-hit-wonder band from the '90s gets a second shot at fame when a young rapper samples their song. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Comedy Music. Creator Meredith Scardino. See production info at IMDbPro.

Imdb girls5eva

Girls5eva is an American musical comedy television series created by Meredith Scardino that premiered on May 6, , on Peacock. It follows four women who were part of a girl group named Girls5eva, which was briefly popular around the year before fading into one-hit-wonder status. Now unfulfilled in their various lives, they reunite to try to find musical success again. In June , it was renewed for a second season which premiered on May 5, In October , after Peacock decided not to continue the series, it was announced that it would move to Netflix for its third season. A s girl group that managed to score only one hit gets an unexpected chance at a comeback when their song is sampled by an up-and-coming rapper. On January 16, , Tina Fey announced at a Peacock investor presentation event that she was executive-producing an original series for the upcoming streaming service.


New and Upcoming Horror. Related news. Sign In Sign In. Runtime 28 minutes. Tina Fey Dolly Parton. Director Brennan Shroff. Daniel Breaker Scott. See the full list. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Top cast Edit.

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See the gallery. Coleman Sheawn. See the full list. Busy Philipps Summer Dutkowsky. New Customer? Learn more. See the full list. Technical specs Edit. More to explore. See the list. Top credits Director LP. See the full list. Comedy Music. Ryan Karels Firewood Sommelier.

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