i love you man

I love you man

Friendless Peter Klaven goes on a series of man-dates to find a Best Man for his wedding. But, when his insta-bond with his new B. Peter Klaven : Totally

Sign In. Edit I Love You, Man Peter Klaven Rashida Jones Zooey Rice Sarah Burns Hailey Greg Levine Hailey's Date Jaime Pressly

I love you man

Click here to copy URL. Plugin not supported. Rate this movie. Add to lists. John Hamburg , Larry Levin. Paul Rudd. Theodore Shapiro. Lawrence Sher. Though Mr. It's funny with some dumb physical humor, yes, and some gross-out jokes apparently necessary to all buddy movies, but also funny in observations, dialogue, physical behavior and Sydney Fife's observations Roger Ebert : rogerebert. They have skills. They can get laughs without the sitcom pimping. The movie goes soft in its final stages, but Rudd and Segel keep it real. Peter Travers : Rolling Stone.

The film was released theatrically in the United States on March 20,to mostly positive reviews. Man at Counter uncredited.

The film stars Paul Rudd as a friendless man looking for a best man for his upcoming wedding. However, his new best friend Jason Segel is straining his relationship with his bride Rashida Jones. The film was released theatrically in the United States on March 20, , to mostly positive reviews. Peter Klaven, a Los Angeles real estate agent, proposes to his girlfriend Zooey Rice, and she accepts. He does not have any close male friends to share the news with, only family and mainly female acquaintances. After overhearing her friends' concern over his lack of guy friends, Peter decides he needs to find some to have a best man for the wedding. Peter turns to his gay younger brother, Robbie, for advice on meeting men.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jump to Summaries 3 Synopsis 1 Edit. Friendless Peter Klaven goes on a series of man-dates to find a Best Man for his wedding. But, when his insta-bond with his new B. After he pops the question, she calls her best friends and they go into wedding planning mode. Peter has no male friends and that poses problems: will he turn out to be a clingy guy, and who will be his best man?

I love you man

A comedy film directed by John Hamburg, the writer of Zoolander , as well as Meet the Parents , Meet the Fockers , and Little Fockers but don't hold that against him. Even his family can't seem to recall any. Soon, no one is sure who will be Peter's best man, or whether he will even have one. So he sets off on a quest to find a good male friend, by going on as many man-dates as he can. Hilarity Ensues. Just about everything in the movie is played for laughs, especially the subtle and not so subtle homosexual undertones that come out of using RomCom tropes to tell a movie about two straight dudes.

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Oppenheim Terrie Velazquez Owen Wedding Band Member as Tim Nordwind. Hailey's Date. John Hamburg. Upscale Teen uncredited Heather Black Michael Enriquez Sign In Sign In. Leanne Davis Dunn Receptionist. One of late President of Egypt Anwar Sadat 's daughters filed a lawsuit in Egypt [16] against the filmmakers because, in the film, Sydney's dog is named after her father. The website's critical consensus states, " I Love You, Man makes the most of its simple premise due to the heartfelt and hilarious performances of Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. However, his new best friend Jason Segel is straining his relationship with his bride Rashida Jones. Tourist uncredited Sidow Sobrino Recently viewed. Details Edit. Peter Rainer of The Christian Science Monitor was not impressed with the film, and after noting that the character Sydney seemed to be written for Owen Wilson , Rainer remarked, "Maybe Wilson was busy.

We checked for updates on streaming services on March 16, at PM.

Sydney's Buddy 3 uncredited Damian Forest Light As the credits roll, we see the wedding reception, where Peter and Sydney join the hired band played by OK Go in a rendition of the Rush song " Limelight " and pull Zooey on stage to join them. Technical specs Edit. It's not any better or lessor than recent stuff from Siegel and Rudd; you could watch this with either Forgetting Sarah Marshall or Role Models and be satisfied about the same. They can get laughs without the sitcom pimping. Top Gap. Rotten Tomatoes. Sydney's Buddy Ping Wu Female Co-Worker Colleen Crabtree Sign In. Self Ian Roberts Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Giving the film three out of four stars, Peter Travers of Rolling Stone said that despite the formulaic plot, "the right actors can keep it afloat, even airborne. As the song ends, Sydney attempts to toast the newlyweds and Peter runs to frantically stop him as the screen cuts out remembering Sydney's ill-advised toast at the engagement dinner.

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