how to use arjun ki chaal for weight loss

How to use arjun ki chaal for weight loss

One of the best-kept secrets of Ayurvedic medicine is a plant called Arjuna that boasts a myriad of health benefits.

Internal Consumption. Author Details. Scientific View By. Monalisa Deka. Ayurvedic View By.

How to use arjun ki chaal for weight loss

When it comes to Ayurveda, there would hardly be any ailment that does not find its cure in one of the hundreds of herbs that Mother Nature nurtures. Arjun ki Chaal powder is an ayurvedic herbal preparation that can be documented as far back as years for treating innumerable diseases from their root. It is made from the high-quality bark of Arjun trees. It is most widely known as heart tonic because of its cardioprotective properties. We all know about the importance of a healthy diet, balanced food intake, and exercise. But most people fail to follow it as a regular part of their daily routine because of the lack of time or any other reason. Due to many benefits of Arjun Ki Chaal powder , it is a boon for our body. Arjun ki chaal powder boosts the metabolism of the body and provides all essential nutrients required by it to function optimally. The increased energy levels help people follow their work routines more efficiently. Arjun Ki Chaal powder has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for its beneficial effect on heart function and cardiovascular health. Scientific studies have proven that Arjun Ki Chaal powder reduces the adverse impact on heart health that is caused by hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease CAD , and other cardiovascular disorders. It enhances cardiac function and reduces arterial blood pressure by as much as 25 percent. Arjuna bark chaal is shown to be beneficial in treating high cholesterol levels. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities explain its ability to lower total blood cholesterol, bad cholesterol LDL , and triglycerides.

Can Arjuna bark reduce blood pressure? Arjuna bark might be used to manage fever by lowering the body temperature due to its antipyretic property.


One of the best-kept secrets of Ayurvedic medicine is a plant called Arjuna that boasts a myriad of health benefits. This herbal remedy has been a staple in traditional Indian medicine for centuries. In this blog, we will uncover this hidden treasure and discuss the Arjun ki chaal benefits include its holistic healing and immunity-boosting properties. Arjuna is a quintessential medicinal tree used in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural remedy for multiple ailments. Arjun chaal in english refers to the bark of this rose-coloured tree that is believed to have miraculous benefits such as nourishing our cardiovascular health.

How to use arjun ki chaal for weight loss

When it comes to Ayurveda, there would hardly be any ailment that does not find its cure in one of the hundreds of herbs that Mother Nature nurtures. Arjun ki Chaal powder is an ayurvedic herbal preparation that can be documented as far back as years for treating innumerable diseases from their root. It is made from the high-quality bark of Arjun trees. It is most widely known as heart tonic because of its cardioprotective properties. We all know about the importance of a healthy diet, balanced food intake, and exercise.

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Arjun Ki Chaal powder prevents hair fall and hair breakage. Arjuna Chaal Churna a. This is due to its Sita cold and Kashaya astringent properties[12]. Does Arjuna decrease heart rate? It also treats acidity and indigestion by increasing the pH value of the stomach and improving overall health. Advances in human biology. Rich in Antioxidants 2. This herbal remedy has been a staple in traditional Indian medicine for centuries. Amalraj A, Gopi S. It also stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen supply to cells of different organs which cures gout naturally. This is due to its high content of coenzyme Q Yes, Arjuna is helpful in the treatment of bleeding piles because of its Kashaya astringent property.


Does Arjuna decrease heart rate? Arjuna Tablets: This is an easy and effective way to harness the plethora of Arjun chaal benefits. Arjuna Tea a. What are the side effects of Arjuna? It also aids in the increase of good cholesterol. It also treats vaginal infection by killing the microbes responsible for causing this infection. Ayurvedic View By. Is Arjun Ki Chaal powder good for increasing immunity? Arjun Ki Chaal powder is useful in the treatment of gout and rheumatic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. This is due to its Hrdya cardiac tonic property. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activity of Terminalia arjuna Roxb. Precautions when using Arjuna.

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