how to exit a book on kindle

How to exit a book on kindle

How to close a book on your Paperwhite. This article explains how to exit a book on a Kindle Paperwhite. Instead of a visible interface with buttons to tap, everything is accomplished by tapping or swiping specific parts of the touchscreen.

Amazon Kindle devices are excellent for reading a good book , but when it comes time to exit that book and go back to the home screen, it can be a little tricky if you don't know where to look. While e-readers may not be the hot new gadget on the market these days, their importance is just as prevalent as ever before. However, if someone wants a device for comfortable reading and nothing more, e-readers still can't be beaten. For the most part, Kindles are easy to use. Despite that, something as simple as exiting a book isn't very clear for first-time users. If you're having trouble exiting a book on your Kindle, here's what you need to do. With a book open on the Kindle , tap anywhere near the top of the display.

How to exit a book on kindle

Have you ever noticed that there is no close button on kindle? But how can we close an active ebook on Kindle or even on kindle App? If you have the same questions, keep reading this article to learn how to close a book on kindle. You can just exit the book and go back to the home screen. The steps will be a slightly different depends on the kindle models you are using. For most kindle models, like kindle Paperwhite or Oasis, you can just follow the blow instructions. Step 1 tap near the top of the page when you are reading a book. The top menu bar will appear. Note: If you opened the book from the home screen, you will see a back arrow and Home. If you opened it from the library, you will see a back arrow and Library. But the Kindle will still mark your place for when you come back to the book. Just click it and you will return to your kindle library, and this book will be closed. Step 1 Different from the kindle Paperwhite, you cannot tap the top area of your iPad screen to show the top bar menu. Tap in the center of the screen, A menu bar should appear at the top of the screen with several options.

Inside a book, you'll need to tap the arrow icon in the toolbar that gets you back to your home screen. Internet Email.


How to close a book on your Paperwhite. This article explains how to exit a book on a Kindle Paperwhite. Instead of a visible interface with buttons to tap, everything is accomplished by tapping or swiping specific parts of the touchscreen. The option to close your book and return to the home screen is accessed by tapping the top part of the screen while your book is open. You can also close a book on a Kindle Paperwhite by restarting the device, as your Kindle will not reopen your book after restarting. With a book open on your Kindle Paperwhite, tap the top of the screen. Tap the back arrow. If you opened the book from the home screen, you will see a back arrow and Home.

How to exit a book on kindle

As an avid reader, you may find yourself engrossed in a book on your Kindle, only to realize that you need to exit and attend. Nathan Gelber. March 5, As an avid reader, you may find yourself engrossed in a book on your Kindle, only to realize that you need to exit and attend to other tasks. Knowing how to exit out of a book on your Kindle quickly and effortlessly can save you time and frustration.

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The steps will be a slightly different depends on the kindle models you are using. How do I return a Kindle book? You need to tap the top of the screen and not swipe. Just get to your Library and tap on the book you want to read. If yes, update them to the latest version. Inside a book, you'll need to tap the arrow icon in the toolbar that gets you back to your home screen. To go to the main home screen for recommended reads, just tap on the ' Home ' tab at the bottom of the screen. When you finished reading a book on some older versions of the Kindle, you would be presented with options to rate or share the book, or return to the Kindle home screen. What to Know Tap the top of the screen to open the drop-down menu. Have you ever noticed that there is no close button on kindle? The Kindle remembers your progress and syncs to your last read page, so you can pick up right where you left off. The Library tab is just what it says — it's the complete library of every e-book you've purchased or downloaded. Tapping the top of the screen and swiping down from the top of the screen will open different menus. For the most part, Kindles are easy to use.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. Generally speaking, the Kindle reader is quite easy to use.

Tell us why! While e-readers may not be the hot new gadget on the market these days, their importance is just as prevalent as ever before. A: Some answers from Reddit have confirmed that it's a bug. To go to the main home screen for recommended reads, just tap on the ' Home ' tab at the bottom of the screen. Please try close out of the Kindle app completely and reopen it. If you want to view your Kindle Library, you're already on that page. Inside a book, you can tap on the left and right of a screen to go back and forth between pages, or use the physical page turn buttons, if reading on a Kindle Oasis. Create profiles to personalise content. Jeremy Laukkonen. Hold the power button for at least 50 seconds to make it restart, usually this issue will be fixed. How do I return a Kindle book?

3 thoughts on “How to exit a book on kindle

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