hisse net otokar

Hisse net otokar

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Hisse net otokar

See all ideas. See all brokers. EN Get started. Market closed Market closed. No trades. OTKAR chart. Today 0. Key stats. Market capitalization. Dividend yield indicated. Price to earnings Ratio TTM. Net income. Shares float. Beta 1Y. Consumer Durables.

Dividend yield indicated. Information, opinions and comments contained on this site are not under the scope of investment advisory services.


Twitter : gurkancel. Bizim TR borsasinda hisseler Speklerin hareketleri sadece bedelsiz ve bedelli haberlerinde Nielsen ve ucan kazlar formuna sokuluyo. Twitter : gurkancel Sermaye 24M bugunku piyasa degeri M , aslina bakarsaniz savunma sanayi icin tank yapacak bir firma icin bu rakamlar biraz komik kalir, kaldiki tsk nin otkar dan baska bir firmaya bu isi verme ihtimali de yok son karar C. Diger ilginc bir durum aslinda diger iki kardesten hangisinin basa gececegi yonunde , belki bu fiyatlaniyor olabilir, acaba Omer Koc olumlu Ali koc olumsuz mu fiyatlaniyor, Longman in dudak hareketlerinin dahi fiyatlarin icine girdiginin soylendigi bu paranoya ortaminda bunuda dusunmek lazim. Zira yapilan arastirmalara gore Baskan Vekili olan ve Bill Gate'se cok benzettigim Omer Koc , gunde 2 saatini kitap okumaya ayiran muthis bir entellektuel birisiymis ve Osmanli tarihi, sanat tarihi gibi konularda cok bilgiliymis ve ayrica Osmanlica bilmekteymis.. Devamini gorecegiz bakalim fiyatlarin icinde ne var ne yok Tank seri uretim kesinlesti haberi dustugunde , dolar bazli tarihi zirve olan TL yi gececektir bence. Hatta haber gelmeden once o seviyelere yaklasmis olmalidir. Yolumuz var daha.

Hisse net otokar

İlk hedef bedelsiz, tank 2. En iyisi izleyici olmak Herkese kolay gelsin. Surda 60 gun sonra Altay test asamasi tamen bitiyor Tsk nin envantreni girecek diyor bu kadar bekledik en fazla bu yilin sonu mutlaka uretim sureci beli olucaktir ilk tank siparisi netlesecek insallah burda herkezin inanci ve beklentisi oyle ytl degildir. Size zirnik koklatmam diyor sanki. Ihtiyacim kadar satacagim bu durumda anlasilan. Bakalim atacakmi bi can simidi daha. Pazartesiyi de kabul ederiz.

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Numbers Stock Screener. Frequently Asked Questions. IS Investment. Information, opinions and comments contained on this site are not under the scope of investment advisory services. Analyst rating. Is Investment cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of such information. Last Rec. EBITDA measures a company's operating performance, its growth signifies an improvement in the efficiency of a company. Please refer to disclaimer for further information. Keep reading Keep reading. Shares float. Keep track of upcoming events with our Earnings Calendar. Institutional Sales. See other stocks reaching their highest and lowest prices. Index Weights.

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The information presented in this report has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Net income. Foreign Ownership. Employees FY. OTKAR chart. IS Investment. You are not authorized to access this page. Last Rec. To do this, you need to open an account and follow a broker's procedures, then start trading. USD 25 level might be a short term buy opportunity.

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