hilarious harry potter memes

Hilarious harry potter memes

What a super sophisticated child I was, reading this story about a magical British boarding school. Soon, though… well, we all know what happened next.

I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions. Especially in ways that are laugh-out-loud funny. Malfoy Tom Felton steps forward and is forced into one of the most awkward hugs ever depicted on-screen, a moment so hilariously uncomfortable that it instantly cemented its spot in the annals of Harry Potter meme history.

Hilarious harry potter memes

On occasion, you are bound to run into something that was supposed to be funny, but it ends up making you see things differently. Memes can have that effect, too, as these are made based on franchises that can have multiple interpretations. The Harry Potter series deviated quite significantly when it came to interpreting the books to the movies. This caused a whole set of changes, and there were even some glaring clashes between the two mediums. To highlight that people have created memes granting us the opportunity to interpret the differences is only grazing the surface. Clearly, J. Rowling never had any intention for people to delve so deep into the series. After all, it only enlivens the fandom more, seeing that the series has been done and dusted since the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2. With that in mind, here are a host of Harry Potter memes that change the way we see the series, whether it be through highlighting quirks and inconsistencies or simply drawing attention to some odd truths throughout the wizarding world. Updated September 16, by Kim Dailey: We couldn't help but notice some of these memes had grown a bit stale, so we're back with a fresh round of wizarding puns to soothe your magical souls in these dark times between wizarding world releases. The two had been really close for the first three years of their friendship, bonding almost instantly upon meeting aboard the Hogwarts Express their first year.

My life is a lie.

The realm of Harry Potter is a truly magical one, with nuanced characters, complex emotions, and the joys and pains of growing up in an enchanted but flawed world. However, it's not all serious Sirius? The characters tend to do some illogical and downright hilarious things, and fans are quick to make highly amusing memes out of them, especially on Reddit. From Dumbledore's partiality to Gryffindor, to Harry's not-so-secret weapon of Expelliarmus, the only way to truly express how ridiculous some of these events in the Potter verse were is to turn them into everyone's favorite means of online communication: memes. Gryffindor House had its best and worst traits , but to Dumbledore, it was the only house that deserved to win. After a dry spell and no House Cup, Gryffindor started winning every year, even if it was losing, after Harry took admission — mainly because the Headmaster was very generous with last minute points to get them in the lead.

The author, J. Rowling, did release other stories within the Potter universe, including Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, expanding on the tales of the other interesting characters fans loved through the years. Apart from the books and movies, there is merchandise such as toys, collectibles, as well as live events. Of course, fans are more concerned about the still-expanding lore surrounding their beloved characters. Harry Potter has indeed, brought together not only the magic-loving community, but also the Muggles on the other side. It taught us friendship , courage, and loyalty. Indeed, this is one story that will last for eons. Want to relive the magic?

Hilarious harry potter memes

Is anyone else still waiting for their Hogwarts letter? We keep telling ourselves that it's been lost in the mail, but it's been almost twenty years now, and we're starting to lose faith. Well, if we can't get into Hogwarts, we might as well laugh about it. Luckily for us, there are plenty of Harry Potter memes that make us feel like we're casting 'riddikulous' all over ourselves. Good thing we're not a boggart, or we'd be banished! From Harry Potter mixed with the best Mean Girls quotes to Albus throwing some serious 'Yo Mama' jokes at Voldemort, this listicle expelliarmus-es any negativity we might have had before reading through these and gives us room to lumos our way into a brighter day. You really can't go wrong with Harry Potter memes, can you?

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Well, a certain Australian may have been. After All, is anybody as enthusiastic about animals as Hagrid? TIME may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. As such, we needed certain things to be established for us, right from the off. The reaction gif of Dumbledore seizing and yelling at Harry can also be used in response to someone having an extreme overreaction to something. Because truth be told, Draco was nothing more than a little runt. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Via tumblr. This accomplished actor and director has done all manner of high profile work. This scene was just fantastic to watch, too. He's just some silly elf from the second movie who returns out of nowhere at the end of the series with an inexplicable burst of courage at just the right time. The subtle signs were all there. Home U.

What a super sophisticated child I was, reading this story about a magical British boarding school.

The two were evil incarnate, except one wore it on his sleeve, and the other hid it behind ribbons, cats, and lots of pink. He was already in an unenviable position, with many claiming he was a cheat who had hoodwinked himself into the competition. Luckily the Ministry of Magic isn't altogether daft and put in place a mandatory animagi registry. Even so, channels like Comedy Central keep pumping out endless re-runs. Via tumblr. Nevertheless, the scale of her achievement cannot be understated. The only way this meme will make you see the series differently is to begin taking the titles in the literal sense. In Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, the nature of animagi was elaborated upon and reached head-scratching levels in Goblet of Fire when Rita Skeeter was revealed as an animagus who turns into a bug to spy on people for stories. Muggle-borns may have gone through their entire lives with absolutely zero clue that magic exists. TIME Logo. With his dying breath, even Snape famously says as much. Some of his one-liners in Goblet of Fire could floor a raging dragon at a hundred paces. That still leaves the matter of how Dumbledore managed to learn it, but many fans are content to write it off as suspension of disbelief due to the fact that he is indeed the one and only Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

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