Harvest moon celia
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She helps tend to the crops and is very passionate about her work. She works very hard, despite the fact that she is in poor health. She can be found inside the farmhouse in the early hours, but will be outside tending the crops most days. Although she spends time in the store room where seeds can be purchased she does not sell them. On her days off, she will walk through the valley and spend time at the spring during good weather.
Harvest moon celia
Celia is a young woman living on Vesta 's farm and working there as hired help. She is a very kind and cheerful woman, and hardworking despite her fragile health. She is closest to the more assertive Vesta , even referring to her as "Aunt Vesta" at times. Vesta's brother, Marlin , is very protective of her. As the game progresses, it is implied that she begins to discover more independence and willpower of her own. Celia's diary can be found in her room, under her mattress on the second floor of the farmhouse. Befriending her, Marlin , and Vesta will influence your child to become a farmer. Before marriage, Celia generally wakes up at 6am, spending some time in her room and the kitchen before heading out into the fields to work. She almost never leaves the farm except to visit the spring in the forest nearby, although she will sometimes head down to the beach or up to Romana's courtyard. Occasionally, she will also head in to town, but doesn't stay late. She generally goes to sleep at 9pm. After marriage, she continues to wake up at the same time but she goes to sleep closer to 10pm.
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In order to marry Celia, you need to get her up to 4 red hearts and then propose to her using the blue feather. To make things simple, I've created a system called 'points' to tell how many red hearts Celia will have. There are 2 main ways to increase your points: Give her a flower or other item she likes or activate and correctly answer a heart event, which gives you 1 point each. Failing a heart event, may also lead to losing points, but I haven't figured out how many as of yet or if it does. There are 4 heart events which you can activate during the run I'll explain the 4th in a separate guide, just pretend there's 3 , which means you have to give Celia 15 flowers or up to 3 more, if you can't get heart events , one every day.
Celia is a young woman living on Vesta 's farm and working there as hired help. She is a very kind and cheerful woman, and hardworking despite her fragile health. She is closest to the more assertive Vesta , even referring to her as "Aunt Vesta" at times. Vesta's brother, Marlin , is very protective of her. As the game progresses, it is implied that she begins to discover more independence and willpower of her own. Celia's diary can be found in her room, under her mattress on the second floor of the farmhouse. Befriending her, Marlin , and Vesta will influence your child to become a farmer. Before marriage, Celia generally wakes up at 6am, spending some time in her room and the kitchen before heading out into the fields to work. She almost never leaves the farm except to visit the spring in the forest nearby, although she will sometimes head down to the beach or up to Romana's courtyard. Occasionally, she will also head in to town, but doesn't stay late.
Harvest moon celia
A farmgirl who moved from the city, she lives with Vesta and Marlin at the farm to the east of your own land. Celia will tend the crops with her two companions during the day, and at night she stays home. She is polite and always tries to do her best. As you walk in you'll find Celia happily cleaning the kitchen. She becomes startled when you sneak up behind her and accidentally breaks Vesta's favorite serving dish! Vesta then comes into the house and welcomes you. She then notices that the two of you look sad. Vesta doesn't believe a broken plate should cause this much trouble for Celia, and she thanks you for telling her the honest story. Celia tries to apologize but Vesta is not too concerned about it so she should cheer up. While walking up the path Celia will catch up to you.
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She'll tell you how much she likes working at the farm, and then ask you if work on the farm bothers you. Walk out of your house to trigger. Vesta's brother, Marlin , is very protective of her. Her reminds Celia that she needs to go shopping today. Beginning in Chapter 3, she spends more time outdoors again, but restricts herself to Vesta's and the player's farms. Walk out of the farmhouse while Celia is outside watching their crops, and it will trigger her first heart event. Heart Event Guide: As mentioned above, there are 3 'normal' heart events which you can get in a run. He calls you something to the effect of a ladies' man. Harvest Moon Series. Items :. Select the first option and she'll lighten up. Want to Help? If you agree, she will ask you if you've heard about the Harvest Goddess who lives in the spring. Still embarrassed by the conversation, she leaves blushing. Cancel Save.
Celia seems to be the youngest of the girls.
If you have already seen her confession scene, then Celia will take it without asking if it is for her or not. Are you ready for winter? Or you either! In order to marry Celia, you need to get her up to 4 red hearts and then propose to her using the blue feather. If you aplogize, then Celia will ask you to escort her on the path to town, where she will apologize for Marlin's rudeness, saying that he only worries about her too much and that you shouldn't mind what he says. Start a Wiki. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life A Walk By the Spring 2 or 3 hearts in diary Exit your house around noon, and you'll see Celia on the path that leads to the spring. This event cannot take place during winter. If you ask what's she's worried about, she'll tell you that she's unhappy about an arranged marriage that Vesta is trying to set up for her. Start a Wiki. He notices that Celia has seemed more lively lately, which Celia thinks is due to the climate in the valley. Select the first option and she'll lighten up. There are 2 main ways to increase your points: Give her a flower or other item she likes or activate and correctly answer a heart event, which gives you 1 point each. She'll ask if you're taking a brake, too, then ask if you'd be quiet as to not disturb nature.
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