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The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec, handelsblatt spiele sudoku. Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of voting rights. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation:.

Building on more than years of foundry heritage and around employees across its three sites in Germany, the Brake Components business focuses on the manufacturing of coated high-performance brake discs for leading international OEMs. Considering limited synergies with its existing business, Bosch decided to sell the Brake Components business. The transaction is expected to be completed in the second quarter of , subject to approval by the relevant authorities. The financial details of the agreement are not being disclosed. AEQUITA is a Munich-based industrial group investing in special situations, including corporate carve-outs, successions, and transformational situations across Europe. Its current portfolio generates more than EUR 3 billion in revenues. With a strong capital base, entrepreneurial expertise, and a partnership approach, AEQUITA focuses on the acquisition and long-term value enhancement of companies that can benefit from its operational engagement.

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Zum Inhalt springen. News Ticker Magazin Audio Account. Das Foto im Pass eines Priesters ist der Durchbruch. Bis heute. Dabei stand er offenbar in Kontakt mit dem russischen Inlandsgeheimdienst. Jetzt reagiert die Regierung — und will erstmals den Einsatz der Informanten in Strafverfahren regeln. Jetzt haben sich einige der Opfer an die Bundesanwaltschaft gewandt. Spying from China continues to grow in both volume and sophistication. The cyber-snoops from the People's Republic have moved beyond companies and are now seeking to exert influence on politics in Germany — all while keeping a close eye on dissidents and minorities. Das gab es noch nie. In Belgien gibt es bereits Konsequenzen, deutsche Politiker fordern eine Neuaufstellung der Spionageabwehr. Auch AfD-Abgeordnete tauchen darin auf. Der Krieg in Nahost heizt die Stimmung in der hiesigen Dschihadistenszene auf.

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. We see further profitable growth potential in the segment. Diverse Einheiten der Bundeswehr arbeiten wie klassische Nachrichtendienste, werden aber viel weniger kontrolliert.

The acquisition of Clear Channel Switzerland will expand the Out-of-Home business into a substantial cornerstone in terms of sales and earnings. An agreement has been reached with the minority shareholders of Neo Advertising to merge the company with Clear Channel Switzerland and to buy out their shares at a later date. The purchase price amounts to CHF 86 million enterprise value without cash or liabilities. The transaction is subject to clearance by the Swiss Competition Commission. We see further profitable growth potential in the segment. Our portfolio will become even more attractive for advertising clients and, above all, we will be able to offer a wide-coverage range of Out-of-Home advertising spaces.

Zu Recht? Nein, zeigen diese Neuerscheinungen. Ein Rundgang zu den Entdeckungen. Donald Trump oder Joe Biden? Die USA sind gespalten wie nie. Sie erfasst analoge wie digitale Werke. Das veranschaulicht eine gelungene Schau in Berlin. Ihr Anliegen: die Wahrheit des Krieges zu offenbaren.

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The acquisition of Clear Channel Switzerland will expand the Out-of-Home business into a substantial cornerstone in terms of sales and earnings. Dabei stand er offenbar in Kontakt mit dem russischen Inlandsgeheimdienst. Sonstige Kommentare: The shares referred to in this disclosure correspond to a number of funds and accounts managed by the portfolio managers under the control of Marathon Asset Management Limited. Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. Total number of voting rights of issuer. Total positions. About Goldbach Group Ltd The companies in the Goldbach Group Ltd market and broker advertising space on TV and radio as well as in print, online and mobile media; their activities also include outdoor advertising and performance marketing. IR-Center Handelsblatt Unternehmenssuche:. IR-Center Handelsblatt Unternehmenssuche:. Das Foto im Pass eines Priesters ist der Durchbruch. The financial details of the agreement are not being disclosed.

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Spying from China continues to grow in both volume and sophistication. Das gab es noch nie. About TX Group TX Group forms a network of platforms and associates that offers users information, orientation, entertainment and assistance for their daily lives. The portfolio is supplemented by the advertising marketer Goldbach. Building on more than years of foundry heritage and around employees across its three sites in Germany, the Brake Components business focuses on the manufacturing of coated high-performance brake discs for leading international OEMs. KGaA Gabrielenstr. An international investigation has now led for the first time to a former Ukrainian secret service agent, known as a maverick, who is believed to have been involved in the attack. In Berlin ist man skeptisch. Sonstige Kommentare: The shares referred to in this disclosure correspond to a number of funds and accounts managed by the portfolio managers under the control of Marathon Asset Management Limited. Jetzt reagiert die Regierung — und will erstmals den Einsatz der Informanten in Strafverfahren regeln. Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. Zu unseren Angeboten. Total positions.

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