Hairy older men twitter

When the criticism began to rack up, the user swiftly deleted his original tweet and switched his account to private. Related: Gay Twitter reclaims ProudBoys hashtag, floods social media with images of love.

JK Rowling, who became a divisive figure in recent years due to her controversial views on transgender people, misgendered India Willoughby in a Twitter rant. The controversial Harry Potter author has been a divisive figure in recent years due to her strong views on sex and gender, in particular her thoughts regarding proposed gender recognition bills that would make it easier for transgender individuals to have their preferred gender legally recognised. She has expressed many anti-transgender views that have led to her being dubbed a TERF Trans exclusionary radical feminist by critics. Rowling even recently said she would 'happily' spend time in prison rather than refer to a trans person by their preferred pronouns. In her latest offensive rants, Rowling said India was "cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is". Rowling took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to rant about trans women using female locker rooms. She said on Sunday: "When men — all men, however they identify — are banned from women's spaces, those who disregard the ban can be challenged, inside the space and out.

Hairy older men twitter

By Alex Davies. JK Rowling has come under fire from trans activists for claiming TV presenter India Willoughby is "cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is". The author, 58, is no stranger to airing her views on transgenderism, recently attacking Sky News for its coverage of trans cat killer Scarlet Blake and elsewhere claiming she'd rather serve time in jail than call a trans woman a "woman". Her latest comments targeted at Willoughby come after she'd taken to social media over the weekend to unleash a rant against the idea of trans women being allowed in female locker rooms. Willoughby was brought into the social media discussion when one X user questioned Rowling on whether or not "this lady", alongside a gif image of Willoughby, should be forced to use men's locker rooms. Responding to the user's query, Rowling took aim at Willoughby as she replied: "You've sent me the wrong video. There isn't a lady in this one, just a man revelling in his misogynistic performance of what he thinks 'woman' means: narcissistic, shallow and exhibitionist. A second X user also questioned Rowling: "If India Willoughby is a 'misogynist' why did she become a woman? But Rowling issued an unwavering retort as she claimed: "India didn't become a woman. India is cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is. Willoughby, who is Britain's first transgender newsreader, soon responded to Rowling's remarks, accusing the Harry Potter author of "grotesque transphobia". I'm a woman," Willoughby penned on X. Honestly, you are such a vile person.

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