haelga skyrim

Haelga skyrim

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According to her niece, Haelga is a very loose woman who slept with three men in one month. Her reputation is further justified with contextual evidence from her bedroom: a bed with shackles, a shelf full of stamina potions, a horker tusk and leather strips underneath her bed, a jar of honey and more leather strips on the dresser, The Lusty Argonian Maid Vol 1 and Vol 2 , a bottle of Falmer Blood Elixir which Brynjolf says will allow one to "make love like a sabre cat " , as well as a Shrine of Dibella , a deity that Svana claims she worships too much. Haelga wears an Amulet of Dibella and there is also a note on her store counter from a "Secret Lover. If the Dragonborn kills her niece, Haelga will flee the bunkhouse. When she comes back, she states she is too upset to talk.

Haelga skyrim

If you speak to Svana Far-Shield in Haelga's Bunkhouse , she'll detail her hatred of Haelga and ask for your help in confronting her about her promiscuity. Haelga gives each of her lovers a Mark of Dibella. Find three of them - on Indaryn, Hofgrir, and Bolli , then confront Haelga with them. Hofgrir owns the Riften Horse Stables and can be found there. If you directly ask Hofgrir about the Mark of Dibella , he'll deny it. You can attempt to persuade or intimidate him into giving it to you, or pickpocket him for it he has lots of other goodies too! You can check The Bee and Barb for Bolli. Bolli can also be found at the market stalls, and the Riften Fishery. He too will of course deny knowing anything about the Mark. You can try and persude or intimidate him to get the Mark, or pickpocket him. Check the Black-Briar Meadery for Indaryn.

I hope you choke on it!

Haelga is a Nord citizen and the promiscuous owner of Haelga's Bunkhouse in Riften. She saved her niece Svana Far-Shield from the orphanage when her parents died, and now has her working as a maid in the Bunkhouse. Relations between the two are rather strained, as Svana believes she is being worked like a slave and that Haelga takes her worship of Dibella too seriously. Haelga's room shows her dedication to her Dibellan Arts: she has a shrine to Dibella, stamina potions , honey , leather strips , a horker tusk hidden under the bed, Falmer blood elixir and even a set of shackles on her bed. She is known to give a mark of Dibella to every one she practices her Dibellan Arts with.

When Haelga's Bunkhouse is visited in Riften , talking to Svana Far-Shield reveals that she thinks her aunt is a "disgusting woman," and would like to get some revenge on her. If the Dragonborn agrees to her proposition, Svana will tell them to get three Marks of Dibella from Haelga's lovers to "make her squirm. In order to get the three Marks of Dibella, the men can be persuaded or intimidated, though to convince Bolli and Indaryn, a Speech skill of 50 is needed for the skill checks to succeed, while Hofgrir only needs a Speech of 25 to be convinced to give up his Mark. Bolli can generally be found in the Marketplace during the day, wandering around and examining the wares of the shopkeepers; Indaryn will be found in the Black-Briar Meadery , and Hofgrir is at the Riften Stables. Alternatively, their Marks can be pickpocketed. Killing any of them for the Marks will cause the quest to fail immediately. She does not want anyone else to know about her activities and will give a bribe to keep the Dragonborn quiet. At this point, tell Svana that her aunt was confronted with the Marks.

Haelga skyrim

According to her niece, Haelga is a very loose woman who slept with three men in one month. Her reputation is further justified with contextual evidence from her bedroom: a bed with shackles, a shelf full of stamina potions, a horker tusk and leather strips underneath her bed, a jar of honey and more leather strips on the dresser, The Lusty Argonian Maid Vol 1 and Vol 2 , a bottle of Falmer Blood Elixir which Brynjolf says will allow one to "make love like a sabre cat " , as well as a Shrine of Dibella , a deity that Svana claims she worships too much. Haelga wears an Amulet of Dibella and there is also a note on her store counter from a "Secret Lover. If the Dragonborn kills her niece, Haelga will flee the bunkhouse. When she comes back, she states she is too upset to talk. When asked to pay her debts, Haelga will refuse. The Dragonborn can either steal her Dibella Statue and blackmail her to pay or win a fight with her during a brawl. If she is visited last, she will pay the gold demanded without any trouble.

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Or does she have more excuses? Bolli : "Haelga, we need to stop seeing each other. Relations between the two are rather strained, as Svana believes she is being worked like a slave and that Haelga takes her worship of Dibella too seriously. You may as well get it over with and let him. Oh, that's rich! All he wants to do is bed you and be done with it. You may as well get it over with and let him. I'm saving myself for someone special. When asked to pay her debts, Haelga will refuse. I'm sorry Haelga, I can't.

Haelga is a Nord citizen and the promiscuous owner of Haelga's Bunkhouse in Riften. She saved her niece Svana Far-Shield from the orphanage when her parents died, and now has her working as a maid in the Bunkhouse. Relations between the two are rather strained, as Svana believes she is being worked like a slave and that Haelga takes her worship of Dibella too seriously.

Failed : You're threatening me? Bolli can usually be found wandering in the market or working in Riften Fishery. Maven : "Haelga, I like you, so I'm only going to say this one time. Objective Confront Haelga with the Marks of Dibella. Relations between the two are rather strained, as Svana believes she is being worked like a slave and that Haelga takes her worship of Dibella too seriously. Don't take the statue! I hope you choke on it! She'll have it, I promise. Where else would I sleep? Has that skooma -addled idiot Niluva paid us her rent yet? I want to try it on as soon as possible.

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