gta ballad gay tony

Gta ballad gay tony

Luis Lopez is forced to help his boss Anthony "Gay Tony" Prince and clean up his mess, discovering that the rich life of Liberty City is just as dangerous as the tough streets where Luis gre

The game was released individually for the Xbox on 29 October , [2] and for the PlayStation 3 and Windows on 13 April , as part of a standalone disc-based package titled Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City , which also contains Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned and does not require the base game to be played. The main storyline of the episode focuses on Luis' efforts to help Tony overcome various problems, including drugs, debts, disputes with Mafia crime families , and attempts on both of their lives. The player can redo missions to improve their score. The player also has new activities, side jobs, vehicles, and weapons. Luis may call on his friends, Armando and Henrique, to use their special abilities: Armando can sell weapons to Luis while Henrique can supply him a vehicle.

Gta ballad gay tony

It is the fourth expansion pack in the Grand Theft Auto series and the fourteenth release in the series. It was released on October 29, The protagonist is Luis Fernando Lopez , a part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince. The storyline intertwines with the original game and first episode, most notably the Museum Piece mission that involves all three protagonists. As with The Lost and Damned , new radio and in-game television programming is included. The game is also the first game in the series to implement a scoring system for missions. Rockstar says, "Players will struggle with the competing loyalties of family and friends, and with the uncertainty about who is real and who is fake in a world in which everyone has a price. All three stories run alongside each other and intertwine at various points. The game features Luis Fernando Lopez as the protagonist. However, he is released from the crime scene and starts talking to his boss, Tony "Gay Tony" Prince, as he walks almost getting run over by Niko, and soon after, Johnny Klebitz.

During the exchange, members of the The Lost now led by Johnny Klebitzformerly Billy Grey attack and kill Evan and acquire the diamonds.


It is the fourth expansion pack in the Grand Theft Auto series and the fourteenth release in the series. It was released on October 29, The protagonist is Luis Fernando Lopez , a part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince. The storyline intertwines with the original game and first episode, most notably the Museum Piece mission that involves all three protagonists. As with The Lost and Damned , new radio and in-game television programming is included. The game is also the first game in the series to implement a scoring system for missions. Rockstar says, "Players will struggle with the competing loyalties of family and friends, and with the uncertainty about who is real and who is fake in a world in which everyone has a price. All three stories run alongside each other and intertwine at various points.

Gta ballad gay tony

The game was released individually for the Xbox on 29 October , [2] and for the PlayStation 3 and Windows on 13 April , as part of a standalone disc-based package titled Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City , which also contains Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned and does not require the base game to be played. The main storyline of the episode focuses on Luis' efforts to help Tony overcome various problems, including drugs, debts, disputes with Mafia crime families , and attempts on both of their lives. The game received largely positive reviews from critics and is retrospectively considered to be among the best downloadable content packs of all time. The player can redo missions to improve their score. The player also has new activities, side jobs, vehicles, and weapons. Luis may call on his friends, Armando and Henrique, to use their special abilities: Armando can sell weapons to Luis while Henrique can supply him a vehicle.

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View history Talk Rockstar Games. In the fairground, Luis destroys the heroin and kills Timur, who mentions that Bulgarin is fleeing the city by plane within two hours. Tommy Vercetti. Download as PDF Printable version. The scene cuts to the aftermath of the robbery; Luis is being questioned by the police about the incident before proceeding to Gay Tony's loft. Xbox PlayStation 3 Windows. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Tom Bramwell of Eurogamer praised the characters, the new vehicles and weapons, and the mission design. Don Giovanni Ancelotti soon orders Luis and Tony to give the diamonds as a ransom payment for his daughter Gracie Rebecca Benhayon , who was kidnapped by Niko. Struggling to run the clubs Maisonette 9 and Hercules, Tony takes out loans from the Ancelotti crime family and Mori Kibbutz Jeff Gurner to keep them running, ending up in severe debt. Luis shows up at Maisonette 9 and contemplates shooting Tony, before pointing the gun at Vince and shooting him in the head. Mohammed Dagman Ahmed voice as Mohammad Dagman. On the way, he is nearly run over by Niko Bellic returning from the robbery and Johnny Klebitz , who rides past him.


Gracie Ancelotti gets Tony back on the drugs and is later kidnapped by unknown assailants. Read Edit View history. On the way, he is nearly run over by Niko Bellic returning from the robbery and Johnny Klebitz , who rides past him. Luis Lopez is a man who solves problems, and when you are the nightlife legend, Tony Prince's right-hand man and bodyguard, there are many problems to solve. Other new activities include golfing at a driving range, a dancing minigame at clubs, drinking games, and air hockey. In the final scenes, Luis and Tony talk, where Luis inadvertently drops the diamonds when he bumps into a homeless man, with the same homeless man then appearing in a mansion full of girls in the post-credit scenes. Retrieved 9 October Henrique and Armando are Luis' friends who are heavily involved with the narcotics distribution trade. Luis Lopez is forced to help his boss Anthony "Gay Tony" Prince and clean up his mess, discovering that the rich life of Liberty City is just as dangerous as the tough streets where Luis gre Deciding to retaliate, Luis tells Tony to hide while he disrupts Bulgarin's drug operations. The Ancelottis establish that Gracie has been kidnapped because of the diamonds and are pointing the blame at Tony and Luis. Elsewhere, the diamonds are found in the trash by a homeless Vietnam War veteran Rob Edge , who sells them and departs for Vice City. Community Noticeboard About Staff Promotion. Because of being preoccupied with recent events, Tony defaults on his debts and the city closes down all of his clubs as a result. Archived from the original on 20 February

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