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Greedo Tetsu Jr. Greedo's Huttese language is based on Quechua , the Inca language. The scene was later altered so that Greedo also shoots at Han, leading to the infamous fan controversy known as " Han shot first " with which the character has since come to be best-known. Greedo tracks his target to the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine , where Han attempts to persuade him that he will pay back Jabba, but Greedo demands the money up front. Han, who has just been promised a large payment by Ben Kenobi , responds that he doesn't have it with him but will pay soon. The Star Wars Holiday Special depicts a being strikingly resembling Greedo in both species and clothing, known as "Bludlow".


To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Greedo was a male Rodian bounty hunter who grew up on Tatooine in Mos Espa. He was occasionally hired by crime lord Jabba the Hutt for various mercenary jobs, including the capture of Han Solo , who killed the luckless Rodian. Originally hailing from the swamp planet of Rodia , [1] during his youth, Greedo relocated and lived on the desert planet of Tatooine. After the slave boy Anakin Skywalker won the famous Boonta Eve Classic , beating the renowned Dug racer Sebulba , Greedo jumped to the conclusion that he had cheated. Angered by the false accusation, Skywalker consequently found himself entangled in a fight with the young Rodian. The fellow young Rodian Wald warned Greedo that if he continued to pick on fights, he would eventually meet with a bad end. At some point in the war, he and another mercenary were hired by the Trade Federation to kidnap Chairman Papanoida's daughters, Che Amanwe and Chi Eekway , to use as leverage for Pantora to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

He was played by Paul Blake and voiced by Larry Ward, greedo. Archived from the original on November 12,

In the original version of this scene, Han shoots Greedo dead. Later versions are edited so that Greedo attempts to fire at Han first. Director George Lucas altered the scene to give Solo more justification for acting in self-defense. Many fans and commentators oppose the change, feeling it weakens Solo's character arc. While they talk about money Solo owes, Solo readies his gun under the table. Greedo tells him he has been "looking forward" to killing Solo for a long time.

Greedo the Elder was a male Rodian who was a member of the Tetsu Clan. He later became a famous bounty hunter, sired two sons, and became a leader of his clan. He was murdered by his arch rival, Navik the Red. Greedo lived on Rodia , becoming a successful bounty hunter , marrying and siring two sons. As an adult, Greedo began to look upon the traditional Rodian hunts as foolishness, and despite his feared reputation, Greedo refused to join in the gladiatorial combat that his people engaged in. After a successful career hunting criminals and outlaws, Greedo came to a violent end when his first-born son was young, dying in the purges of Navik the Red. Greedo's pregnant wife Neela , along with his son and namesake , and brothers-in-law Nok and Teeku , fled Rodia. Greedo's son sought to emulate his father by claiming the bounty on Han Solo , but died as violently as the first Greedo had. The original intention was that the Greedo scuffling with Anakin Skywalker in the scene that was cut from The Phantom Menace and later included as part of the bonus material on the DVD, would be the same Greedo seen in A New Hope , and that Wald's prediction would foreshadow Greedo's death at the hands of Han Solo.


But now Greedo has something to say about it. George Lucas infamously changed the brief encounter with the special edition of the first Star Wars trilogy, giving Greedo a chance to fire a bad shot at Han before Han kills him dead. Oh my god. This is not a joke. But in the context of the previous edits from Lucas, each one making Solo less culpable, the edits have had a sort of Streisand effect on the scene in making it more important, more talked about, and more integral to Star Wars canon than was originally intended. Shots are fired, and depending on which version you have in front of you, the order of those shots changes. In the original theatrical cut, Han appears to shoot first, immediately killing Greedo.

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A month and a day passed when the Tetsu Clan was finally tracked down by Navik the Red. Cancel Save. All the good guys shoot in self-defense. The most famous involves the question of who shot first , for in the original release of the film, as well as the script, Greedo did not shoot at Han at all. During pickups, Greedo's costume vest changes significantly, as do his hands. Archived from the original on August 28, February 15, Greedo himself had managed to pull off a shot less than a second before, but missed entirely. At one point, they discovered Greedo bringing in one unfortunate Jawa three times. Retrieved January 15, Sign In Register.

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Greedo's backstory was established in A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale short story, published in the Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina in and later adapted into a webstrip of the same name. Han, who has just been promised a large payment by Ben Kenobi , responds that he doesn't have it with him but will pay soon. Archived from the original on November 17, According to the short story, Greedo was only born around 17 BBY and all of his childhood was spend during the reign of Galactic Empire. A pact was made between the clan elders to never tell the children of their violent past. The successful jobs he did carry out were regarded as mid-level affairs and were forgotten with time. Archived from the original on July 2, Yours is. He and his accomplices are ultimately foiled by Ahsoka Tano as well as the Baron and his son. Bounty hunters attend the funeral for Greedo. Retrieved December 26, To add to further confusion, Greedo's Clone Cards entry says that he is 1.

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