granny spanking

Granny spanking

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Grandma in Charge: spankings for mother and daughter.

THIS great-gran spends her spare time writing about spanking. Never miss any of the fun stuff. We have more newsletters. Eva Hughes, 76, has been writing erotica for years and says her saucy stories have helped her become more sociable. She even shares her flirtatious fiction with fellow residents in the sheltered accommodation where she lives. Eva, from Blackley, Manchester, added that the residents of her sheltered accommodation love reading her stories. Her saucy stories are written under the name Eleanor Powell and follow the adventures of a young lady called Merilee and her boyfriend Pete.

Granny spanking

Adult Fetish No Notifications. Only logged in members can reply and interact with the post. How Grandma Was Spanked It seems to me that the severity of home punishments become more benign with the generations. I spanked my girls very lightly, so it was almost a joke. My Mom spanked me and my sisters with a hairbrush until we could not sit down. Mom's dad spanked her with a switch until she was bleeding. I used to wonder how Grandma was punished. When she was quite old she told me her own mom's method of keeping discipline. I remember I was visiting Grandma when I was a teenager, and complaining that Mom still pulled our panties down and spanked us with the brush. Grandma laughed sympathetically and said it was part of growing up, but she also mentioned that when she was a girl she really got it from her mom, my great-grandmother. Like myself and my Mom, Grandma was raised a country girl and remembered when she used to ride to town on a horse and wagon. She and her brothers and sisters lived on a farm with their Mom and Dad.

Even when I was growing up parents used a variety of instruments on their naughty granny spanking bottoms--all quite effective! About the author. Like myself and my Mom, Grandma was raised a country girl and remembered when she used to ride to town on a horse and wagon, granny spanking.


Exactly What You Need. Sharpe is a Disciplinarian in Denver, Colorado. Are you looking for some adult play time? Hello, my name is Mrs. I am a mature Disciplinarian living in the Denver area, but I do travel to meet those needing more immediate attention. I enjoy running so you can be assured of my stamina and endurance while giving you a good long spanking.

Granny spanking

When my sister Donna died I became guardian of her daughter, Joanne. My own mother had given very strict punishment with a belt, leaving bruises for days, and bad memories of those spankings meant Donna had never spanked Jo, even mildly. That summer Jo turned 16, and having her birthday without her mother was very hard for her.

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My Mom found it just as efficient to pin up our skirts and pull down our panties for the treatment. Gorgeous city that's 'just like Dubai' only cheaper with 36C weather in April. Follow Daily Star. Eva, from Blackley, Manchester, added that the residents of her sheltered accommodation love reading her stories. Liz Hurley. TA, I simply based it on what Grandma told me. She never went into much detail that I heard, but I did pick up that naked spankings were common back then, at least in her family. Donald Trump. The girl had to hoist herself over the back of the chair and lie there with her maxi-skirted bottom raised high. Want to read. Facebook Twitter. I spanked my girls very lightly, so it was almost a joke. Kate Middleton security probe as hospital staff 'tried to view private medical records'.

Cindy and the Hairbrush is a vintage piece of spanking history.

THIS great-gran spends her spare time writing about spanking. Eva has had several books published, including the "naughty spanking" anthology series. Only logged in members can reply and interact with the post. James Martin's brutal reason for not marrying girlfriend of 12 years before split. When Grandma was over the chair her mom began lifting first the long skirt, then the three or four white lace-trimmed petticoats over her back. Kate Middleton security probe as hospital staff 'tried to view private medical records'. Flight incidents. Peter Martin. She told me she still remembered how the lash whistled through the air before it made a loud snap across her cheeks. Sarah cynically recalls how Emily used to behave when she lived at home before she got married, and she soon realises that nothing has changed.

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