gloomhaven scenario book

Gloomhaven scenario book

Everyone needs to eat.

But Gloomhaven does bounce back in time. It is full of resilient people and the port is vital for trade. It never feels quite the same afterward, but at some point, it at least still feels like home. You secure the last of the armory stock just as the rebel fighters break through into the fortress. Cleaning out the demons from the rest of the building becomes short work after that.

Gloomhaven scenario book


The last of the guard falls, and once more you see a transformation of the bodies into soulless walking corpses.


Add it to your existing shared campaign license. View a summary of the storyline for each state of a scenario. To prevent spoilers we only include a summary up-to the current scenario. The conclusion of a scenario is added after it has been completed. Open storyline. Use the neat Flowchart overview of your completed and unlocked scenarios to keep track of your progress. The scenarios are color coded to quickly find available ones.

Gloomhaven scenario book

Board Game Informer. Home » How to Play » Gloomhaven. In the world of Gloomhaven, darkness reigns supreme, and malevolence oozes from every shadowy corner.

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Wears a red cape and lots of gold jewelry? The cultists have clearly marked this crypt as a spot of trouble for them. Nothing more to do but lay them to rest along with the remainder of this troublesome rabble. These elemental cultists are distorting the fabric of the world and must be stopped. I was going to gather more, but now I can just send you out to get it instead. You quickly write down the symbols that you saw, though you do not know their meaning. She can fulfill all our wishes. You tread carefully, watching high above you for any signs of an ambush. One appears to see heavy use with the cult and the other is marked as being overrun by vicious undead. As you approach the black column, it becomes clear that it is not smoke but a whirlwind of black sand extending far into the sky. Following reports of an Aesther in the Boiler District, you find yourself standing before an abandoned and decrepit tavern: the Crooked Bone. You disagree.

A list of all scenarios in Gloomhaven as well as their unlock conditions, treasures, and rewards.

Fight them back! I require a diamond of considerable size for a customer, but I cannot find one anywhere in the city. The wells in the area seem to be poisoned, and the sewers have become infested with snakes and sentient slimes, making further investigation difficult. And then it stops. What is just a few more? What is life without a little bit of intrigue? It is full of resilient people and the port is vital for trade. She stares. The Bandit Commander summons one normal Living Bones for two characters or one elite Living Bones for three or four characters. It looks as though you have opportunities to either disrupt more of their work 5 or get in their good graces by helping to clear out a threat. Your only option is to continue fighting. These elemental demons belong on an entirely different plane of existence, but the cultists have somehow managed to pull them through to this one. The relief is short-lived, however, as a booming voice fills the crackling air.

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